👑 Epilogue Two 👑

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I walked into the kitchen limping and Marini squinted her eyes at me.She looked like she was holding in a laugh but didn't let it pass her lips.

"Did you get hurt playing soccer with the kids again? You know that ball is too small for you that's why you keep tripping."She explained getting into the freezer and retrieving and ice pack.

She wrapped it in a dish towel and handed it to me. I took it and instead of putting it on my leg or hand I put it on my crotch.

"Now that's a new place to get hurt."She said chuckling.

She was so used to treating my wounds so she was always prepared and knew the routine.

"I didn't get hurt playing with the kids."I gritted out.

"Get into a fight?"


"Then how?" She asked eyebrows raised and face twisted in confusion.

"I got a vasectomy."I announced.

Her eyes went wide and I feared she had gone into shock.

"You what?!" She yelled before she realized she had spoken too loud,"You what?"She whisper yelled her hands on her waist.

She had adapted that pose whenever she scolded our kids and now I was on the receiving end of it.

"I've seen how worried you get in fear of getting pregnant again. I also know you don't like using any family planning methods because of how they affect you body so I decided to solve our problem once and for all. I mean we already have our two kids, that's what we'd planned for so it's okay. I thought you would be happy." I explained.

"I am its just..." She breathed out.

"It's just what?"

"You didn't tell me about it." She huffed and I smiled.

I hopped towards her and took her hands in mine.

"I'm okay babe and it was a simple procedure. Jeremy took me and drove me home."I said and she rolled her eyes.

"Of course he did. That guy is like your second wife."She teased and I laughed.

"Jealous babe?"

"You wish."She scoffed and before I could answer we heard to excited voices yell from the door.

"Daddy's home!"Excited yells came from the backyard.

Two little bodies ran across the room and slammed into me exactly where it hurt making me wince. Marini smirked at me instead of feeling sorry for me. I guess I deserved that. They were all covered in mud from head to toe and so were the three dogs that came trotting in after them.

I worriedly looked over to Marini who was already fuming with her hands on her hips. Mama bear was definitely not impressed.

Abigail's long brown curls that my wife struggled with every morning to tame and put into a neat hairstyle were now all over the place with sticks and mud patches. She was only six and liked to drag her four year old brother into as much trouble as she could. She knew that even though we didn't pick favorites I had a soft spot for her since she was my baby girl and as my little princess and would always defend her. She also knew that Marini dotted on Nikolai so she'd get into less trouble if she dragged him with her.

Nikolai who had been dressed up in all white that morning looked like a puddle of brown mud with his blue eyes sparkling up at us. Marini was right, two were already enough trouble so I was glad I had snipped up everything and now we could have unlimited adult time without fear of having another one of the tiny monsters.

All Hail His Queen ( The Matriarchy Series Book 1)✔️ Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon