👑 Chapter Eighteen 👑

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I was getting out of my room ready to join Isaac on the beach when my phone rang on the bed. That had better not be work or I was going to chew someone's head off. I was tired and all I needed was a whole day on the beach dozing off and slightly drunk on a few cocktails. I had been working my butt off the last forty eight hours and I needed a break before I completely shut down.

I grabbed my phone off the bed and sighed in relief when it was Amani video calling me. I sat on the bed and picked up the call holding the it to my face.

"Mar!!!" She yelled into the phone as soon as she saw me her face all bright with a smile as wide as the rift valley.

"Hey sissy!" I replied excitedly but failing to match her energy.

Amani was the light I needed in my life. Her pure joy, excitement and positive outlook on life was one of the things I treasured most. I'd probably kill anyone who looked at her the wrong way or took that smile off her face.

"You look pretty. I thought you were at the coast working and not tanning up?" She asked when she noticed my outfit.

"Thank you and I decided to take a break before I exploded." I replied.

"That's good, I don't want you working too much either. I just watched to check up on you. We haven't talked properly since you left." She explained and I smiled at her concern for me.

"I'm okay and so is Isaac. What are you up to?" I asked catching movement behind her.

There was wind blowing her hair to her face so I assumed she was somewhere outside.

"Lulu picked me up and said she wanted to hang out. She dragged Jeremy and I out to go bungee jumping."She replied sulking a little bit.

"You should have just said no if you didn't want to go. I know you're not a fan of heights." I sympathized with her.

"I tried to but you know how stubborn Lulu is. Jeremy even threw up." Amani recalled with a laugh and I couldn't help but laugh too.

"If you guys are all together then who has Kim?" I asked concerned for my four legged furry friend.

"Jeremy left him with his neighbor."She answered getting her hair out of her face and I nodded in agreement.

Before I could speak I saw Amani stumble back meaning someone was pulling her away.

"You're telling on me to Mar aren't you. I knew you were a little snitch. Give me that phone." I heard Lulu yell and I chuckled.

"No!" Amani shouted back and there was some scuffle before the phone fell to the ground followed by a lot of grunts. I was left starting at the sky as I listened to my sisters fight over who was right. I knew they were just teasing and Lulu might have been stronger than Amani but she would never hurt her. They had their little scuffles all the time but I knew for a fact that it was out of love.

I was about to hang up and leave them to their petty fights when the phone as picked up, dusted off and a very pale looking Jeremy appeared on the screen. I had to bite my lip to prevent myself from laughing. He looked terrible.

"Yeah I know I look like freaking Dracula himself. Let it out." He snickered and I couldn't help but burst out laughing.

It took me a few minutes to compose myself and I thought he hang up but he was still there when I turned to face the screen again.

"You done?" He asked and I nodded.

I wouldn't let just about anyone talk to me like that but Jeremy was fast becoming family so I let him.

All Hail His Queen ( The Matriarchy Series Book 1)✔️ Where stories live. Discover now