👑 Chapter Fourteen 👑

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Ever since I started my company I've had a few mishaps here and there but I was always able to handle it. It was never anything that serious, unruly clients, demanding investors, a few missed payments and dealing with the law. But never in those five years had I ever had to deal with something as serious as a workers strike. There was always that one or two employees who liked to make trouble but a whole branch was a different issue. It was going to be all over the news and it would cause a scandal.

I couldn't afford a scandal, in this business the saying there's no such thing as bad press ' didn't apply. If word got out about this then it'd mean loss of business. One branch could easily cost me loss of business all my other branches and that wouldn't be fair to my workers. I needed to get a handle on this and fast.

I sat in what was previously Martin's office, my now very fired ex manager. Martin was seated next to Caleb his subordinate both of them squirming under my hard gaze.

We had been in here for ten minutes after I had stopped their stupid fight. I was still fighting with myself to not grab Isaac's gun and shoot both of them. I was that angry.

"Caleb I want a straight answer from you and if you dare lie to me, you'll not like the consequences. Did you or did you not have an idea of what Martin was up to?" I asked wanting to know who I could and couldn't trust.

What baffled me the most was that I had personally vetted Martin for this job. I'd transferred him from my Nairobi office as a promotion and now he was going behind my back and ruining all my hard work. He'd pay for this.

"Ma'am I promise you I was in the dark." He reassured me.

He looked sincere and I believed him but I still had to be careful. Once bitten twice shy.

"Is that true Martin? If you lie to me to cover for him and I discover the truth, the lawsuit you will face will be so much worse than your brain can fathom." I threatened the shivering man.

He better be scared because by the time I was done with him, he would wish he had never messed with me.

"Yes ma'am, it was all me." He stuttered out.

"Okay good." I replied and pressed the intercom.

"You called." Isaac replied poking his head into the office.

He had thought really fast outside with the whole shooting the ground idea and I had no idea what I would have done without him. He had saved me out there.

"You can call the officers in please." I requested him and without another word he disappeared again.

I had called the police before getting in here with my two suspects and had asked Isaac to hold them outside while I did a little interrogation of my own before I handed the right culprit over to the authorities.

"Madam please don't do this. I'm sorry." A scared looking Martin begged on his knees next to me.

I was a very fair and just boss if you asked any of my employees. I was kind to them, paid them well with reasonable working hours and when work was good, they all got bonuses. So for one of them to betray me and his subordinates just rubbed me off all wrong. I led by example so nobody would use me as an excuse to do wrong.

"Get off the floor Martin. You knew what you were doing was wrong and yet you still did it. It's time for you to reap what you sowed." I replied looking at him with disdain.

Caleb was looking at me not knowing what to do either. For now he was good unless I realized otherwise.

Martin made the mistake of grabbing for my leg just as Isaac walked back into the room. I know he was just doing his job but Isaac had never looked more scary than when he walked across the room and lifted Martin off me by the collar if his shirt. He picked him up as if he was a trash bag, dirty and light.

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