👑 Chapter Thirteen 👑

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This chapter is dedicated to bbllaacckkiisshh because her comments on this book have been hilarious. I heart you❤️.


Mombasa was definitely not planned but business is business and where Marini goes I go too. When I had seen Joan burst into Marini's office looking disheveled I didn't read much into it. I thought it was a simple emergency so I sat back and waited. Then Marini got more and more angry as Joan spoke. I had been so tempted to add sound to the video feed but that would have been invading her privacy more than I already was. She then called me over once Joan left and started packing her stuff. I had quickly excused myself to Gilead and answered her call.

She was all business mode when I got to her and had been on a call with some guy named Caleb for the past ten minutes yelling. We were still in the car on the drive home and I wished there was something I could do to ease her worry. I couldn't help on the business side of things obviously so I floored the car, speed limit be damned and got her home in record time. The sooner she got this resolved the faster angry Marini could disappear because her I did not like. This Marini cussed a lot and normal Marini hated cussing.

I parked the car in front of the house as soon as we got into the compound and got out fast to open her door. Her phone was still glued to her ear as she walked up the steps. She even ignored Kim who was trying to get her attention. When she closed the door on his face, he whined and turned towards me with a forlorn look. I patted my shoulders for him and he ran towards me and out his front paws there and started licking my face.

"Don't be sad buddy. She's just stressed." I assured him scratching his head.

I don't know how long we would be gone so I decided to call Jeremy to come pick Kim up.

I put Kim down and opened the door. I took my phone out of my pocket to dial Jeremy as I walked up the stairs to my room to pack.

"Hey bro what's up?" He asked as soon as he picked up

"Where are you right now?" I asked.

"Coming back from lunch with Amani. I'm going to drop her off at school and head back to work." He replied.

"Perfect. You need to come to the house and pick Kim up." I informed him getting into my room.


"Marini and I have to travel to coast. It's sort of an emergency situation and I don't know how long we'll be there. Bring Amani with you. I don't know if we'll still be here by the time you arrive and she has a key card." I explained.

"Okay we'll be right there."

"Thanks man. Drive safe."


Then we both hang up.

I grabbed a duffle bag from the top of my closet and started packing. I packed different outfits cause I had a feeling we would be there for a while. I packed my shoes and toiletries too. After I was done I put my laptop and iPad into a small carry on and I was good to go. My gun was already holstered under my suit jacket. I didn't know the kind of situation we would run into when we got to Mombasa so better safe than sorry. After I got it, it was always on me except for when we went to Church, no weapons in Gods house.

Making sure I had packed everything I needed I got out of my bedroom. Marini's bedroom door was ajar and she was standing next to the foot of her bed on the phone. I'd never been inside her room before. It was larger than mine with a huge four poster bed, floor to ceiling windows with the same view as mine of the backyard. There were two white couches facing a TV mounted on the wall. It wasn't a feminine room at first glance with a blend of white and red but it was more colourful than mine.

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