👑 Chapter Twenty Three 👑

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I had been feeling out of sorts ever since I attended the award ceremony with Marini. It had only been a week but the dance we shared and those few moments when it was just the both of us on the dance floor kept replaying in my head like a song on repeat. I could still feel her curves pressed onto my body and recalling how good it felt holding her in my arms only made me ache. I needed to catch a break and that meant getting out of the house for a bit.

It was on a Saturday and the only place I could think of going to was Jeremy's; maybe he could help me figure out what to do. Marini was still sleeping so I decided to just leave her a note on the fridge for her when she woke up. I debated whether to take Kim with me or not but decided to just leave him. I didn't need a distraction at the moment and he would be just that. Ruffling up his ears I left him chasing his own tail.

I took the Audi because all the other cars were a little too flashy for me. About an hour later I was letting myself into Jeremy's apartment since I still had my key. It was a little intrusive but I knew he wouldn't hear me if I knocked assuming he was still asleep.

Removing my shoes at the door I shrugged off my jacket and tossed it on the sofa. I had skipped breakfast in my hurry to put distance between Marini and I so I decided to whip something up for me and my lazy cousin.

He was keeping the place tidy which was unlike him. I think the new found need to be clean had something to do with the pictures of him and Amani pinned on the fridge. They must be spending a lot of time together for it to get to the point where they were printing out photos. They were both goofy and childish so they definitely fit together. I just hoped Jeremy didn't catch any feelings for Amani because neither of her sisters would let him date her. I wouldn't either because I just couldn't imagine them together.

Jeremy walked into the kitchen half naked an hour later as I was serving everything up on plates. He was only in his boxers and rubbing his eyes probably to clear his vision.

"I guess modesty flew out the window the moment I moved out." I commented and I had never seen someone jump so high in fright.

"Ahh! Jesus."He yelled looking frightened and I laughed.

"You about to start talking in tongues now?" I teased still laughing at him.

Such a scaredy cat.

I watched him trying to shoot lasers at me with his eyes for scaring him before he stumbled over into the kitchen and took a seat. He was still breathing heavy trying to compose himself.

"You stupid giant. Why did you have to scare me like that?" He wheezed out.

"I'm sorry. It's just with all the noise I've been making cooking breakfast I thought you'd already know I was here." I replied.

"You made breakfast." He cheered all previous anger of me scaring him melting away.

"Unless..." I trailed off.

"Unless what?" He asked grabbing a hot sausage off the plate.

It burned him and he danced it off his hands for a while till he deemed it cool enough and took a bite. It was still hot so he burned himself and used juice to cool his tongue before taking another bite and repeating the process. How was he so successful in his career with such childlike behaviors?

"Unless you thought someone else was in here making breakfast maybe a certain lady friend." I teased sitting down and serving myself a plate.

"What lady friend? Dude there's no one. I didn't even hear you come in. I slept late last night so I was super tired." He explained and I just hummed as I took a bite of my food.

All Hail His Queen ( The Matriarchy Series Book 1)✔️ Where stories live. Discover now