👑 Chapter Thirty Three 👑

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I was in the gym working out or more like trying to release some stress but no matter how hard I punched I just couldn't seem to get the anger I felt out of my system. I had no idea how long I had been at the gym but it was long enough that I could feel my muscles ache in protest. I wasn't at work since it was a public holiday. I had woken up for my usual morning work out routine but once I had started punching away I hadn't been able to stop.

It had been a few days since Marini had opened up to me and I was having a hard time wrapping my head around it all. I just couldn't believe a couple of old men from Marini's ethnic tribe could decide her fate and basically set it on stone. I remember when growing up with my grandma she had tried to instill as many traditional values as she could but once I left for the States I forgot about them. I remember bits and pieces about the dos and don'ts but they all change depending on the tribe. My grandma was Kamba and Marini is Meru and even though they are both Bantus they have totally different traditions.

I didn't know that in this time and age the elders that used to rule during the pre-colonial times still held power over the people in some communities. I thought everyone had evolved after colonization but I was clearly mistaken. It was fifty five years after independence and Kenya was still living in the ice age.

Marini had given me the results of all the research she had done concerning the issue and it was pretty serious. I had done a little research of my own and what I had seen was disturbing. A few YouTube videos of people affected by the elders so called curses were not for those with weak stomachs. As much as I tried to disapprove what sentence had been served to Marini by those stuck up old men I had realized that there was no escape. Marini had to get married and pay what she owed to them.

My phone rang a few meters from me cutting of my train of thought throwing me off my punching rhythm. I stared at it hoping it would stop ringing and thankfully it did but then it started ringing again and I knew I had to pick it up. I grabbed it off the bench it was on and picked the call after seeing Jeremy's contact on it.

"Hey bro."He greeted excitedly.

"Wassup."I grunted a little out of breath.

"Are you having sex?"He teased faking shock.

"Ha ha ha very funny. What do you want you immature child?" I asked honestly not in the mood to talk to him at all.

"A hello would have been nice."He retorted.

"I'm hanging up now."I replied.

"Okay fine geez. I'm sorry your highness for disturbing you this early morning."He apologized sarcastically and I was so tempted to hang up but I didn't.

"Jeremy."I breathed out getting angry.

"So Amani and I are going out for lunch and since its a public holiday we were wondering if you and Marini would like to join us?" He asked sounding excited.

I thought about it for a while. Marini was still sleeping so I couldn't ask her but I was pretty sure she didn't want to go out and neither was I but maybe it would be good for the both of us to get out of the house for a while.

"I'll ask Marini when she wakes up and get back to you."I replied.

"Perfect that's basically a yes. Are you okay bro?" Jeremy asked sounding concerned.

I guess I was sounding pretty off so he must have picked up on that. I was not going to tell him about Marini's situation because not only was it not my secret to share but he would definitely tell Amani because of how close they were and Marini didn't want her sisters to know.

All Hail His Queen ( The Matriarchy Series Book 1)✔️ Where stories live. Discover now