👑 Chapter Sixteen 👑

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It wasn't my alarm that woke me up the next morning but the hungry growls of my stomach. That's what I got for skipping supper. I sat up on my bed grateful for the shut curtains because the one thing Mombasa was famous for were the amazing sunrises that I wasn't properly awake for .

I had no idea what time it was or how I got back to the hotel. The last thing I remembered was dozing off on my desk after Caleb left. I think I may have talked to Isaac sometime after that but I didn't recall what we talked about. Isaac, yes, that must explain how I got back to the hotel. Oh my word. Did he carry me? I must have been heavy. I had seen him work out though and the weights he usually lifted were almost thrice my weight. I don't think my weight would have been an issue but still it must have been such a hustle to get me from the office to here. He even took off my shoes and accessories. I'd slept in my clothes and obviously my bra which was why I was feeling very uncomfortable. Not that I expected him to take it off. That would have been uncomfortable for him then and embarrassing for me now.

All my memories from the previous night were a little fuzzy but I was glad Isaac had been there for me. I just found another reason as to why I was keeping Isaac around.

It was time to get back to get up and face another day dealing with angry employees and I wasn't looking forward to it. Nothing I couldn't handle though but breakfast first after I freshened up. I checked the time on my phone and saw that it was a few minutes to seven and my alarm was about to ring so I shut it off. Not the first time I woke up before my alarm anyway.

I swung my feet off the bed and they landed on the bedside rug. The light peeking through the curtains allowed me to look around the room and notice my suitcases by the door. I got up from the bed and walked towards them while switching on the lights. Picking up my suitcase I dragged it to the bathroom and placed it on top of the table besides the sink. I retrieved my toothbrush and some toothpaste and got to cleaning. Stepping in front of the mirror I took a few minutes to inspect myself and take in my appearance. I didn't look too bad considering my make up was smudge proof but my hair took quite the hit. I decided to just get my morning routine over with, get dressed then have breakfast instead of what I had originally planned. There was no way I was allowing people to see me all messed up.

After a thirty minute shower I emerged from the bathroom feeling very refreshed. I put on my underwear and blow dried my hair before straightening it out and applying my make up. Deciding on an outfit that included a spaghetti strapped black top, an Ankara print skirt that reached a few inches above my knee and a long overcoat that matched the skirt. I put on some high heels with floral patterns to match the ones on my outfit. The weather was too hot so I didn't want to risk wearing a suit and die of heatstroke. Feeling confident in my looks I walked back into the bedroom and gathered all my things into my handbag before walking out of the bedroom.

The suite was quiet so either Isaac wasn't in or he was still sleeping. I wouldn't blame him if he wanted to stay in and sleep. Poor guy. I had probably overworked him.

I picked up the phone to order some room service. I wanted a heavy breakfast to get me through the long morning I was about to have getting people back to their jobs. The doors clicked open just as I was ordering everything on their breakfast menu as long as it didn't have eggs in it. Isaac walked in drenched in sweat wearing nothing but a wife beater, a pair of shorts and running shoes. He took off his ear pods when he noticed me. My mouth suddenly went dry and I was unable to order anything else so I just hang up. What I'd ordered was probably more than enough anyway.

Why did Isaac have to look so good? I mean he must have given every lady who saw him like that a heart attack.I wasn't safe either. There was a pain in my right arm or should it be left when it's a heart attack. My chest clutched painfully too and I felt myself get the sudden urge to squeal and fan my face. I was turning into a crazed teenager like Amani. No offense little sister but still, looking that good should be illegal.

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