👑 Chapter Forty Two 👑

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I really needed to quit the pacing thing. Maybe it was true that living with someone for long would lead to inheriting their habits. It would definitely explain why I was taking up pacing when it was an Isaac thing. Though it was much harder to do with the weight of my gown. Yes it was my wedding day and pre wedding jitters were definitely a thing. I was ready to go to the church for the ceremony, I had been for the past half hour but for some reason my legs refused to walk past my bedroom door.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror and besides all the butterflies I had to admit I looked beautiful. My dress was an all A-line white satin gown. It had a column design and a plunging jewel neckline with a low square back.

My hair was pinned to the top of my head in an intricate design with a few loose tendrils hanging over my face. My make up had been done perfectly by professionals and my diamond earrings hang delicately on my ears. The most impressive accessory I was wearing was the crown on my head. I thought it had been a little too much but the girls had assured me that it put my whole ensemble together.

Speaking of the girls, they should have been with me calming me down but I was in my bedroom alone freaking out. Would it even be my bedroom after today? Isaac and I would be sharing a room and I didn't know if we'd move into mine, his or another room. There was so much to think about.

What was I thinking getting into marriage so fast? It's not like I had a choice but still we should have at least talked about some things. They seemed so trivial but they were just as important as the big topics like kids or shared assets. We hadn't talked about the kids issue but Isaac and I had agreed not to sign a prenup. We were in this for life and besides with his inheritance from his dad, I would still get half of what was his if we did get divorced so we'd both loose. Now I was thinking about divorce and I wasn't even married yet. I needed help.

"Lulu to the rescue."She shouted barging into my room.

Any other time I would have yelled at her but at the moment I welcomed the intrusion.

"Mar you look amazing."She complimented once she took a good look at me.

"Thanks."I replied.

"No I mean honestly, I'm not usually this crude but Isaac is going to cream his dressy blues when he sees you."She exclaimed making me laugh.

"You look amazing too."I returned and she did a twirl showing off her outfit.

Lulu didn't care for dresses but for me she wore it proudly.

All my bridesmaids were wearing short navy dresses with a ball gown design. The design for the top bodice were all differed though. Lulus was a square neckline because she refused to show more cleavage than necessary.

"I'm freaking out Lue."I admitted.

"I warned Isaac to stop calling me that, now look it's stuck. He's lucky he's family now or else."She threatened getting lost in her own head.

"Lulu."I whined snapping her out of it.

"Oh yeah sorry."Her face softened and she came to my side and took my hands in hers rubbing her thumbs over my knuckles in a calming manner.

"It'd be weird if you weren't freaking out. I mean you're going to be spending the rest of your life with one person, that's bound to get boring."She said with an eye roll.

"You're not helping."I chuckled.

"You didn't let me finish. It might get boring but with your bossy attitude and Isaacs need to always please you, I'm sure you'll find a way to spice things up. You know maybe some role play. You can be a professor and he can be a bad student."She babbled with a straight face.

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