👑 Chapter Seventeen 👑

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I sat on the sofa in the hotel rooms balcony on Saturday morning as I looked out into the vast ocean. I was enjoying some coffee while waiting for Marini to wake up. We had gotten back late last night and I guess we were both justified for wanting to sleep in. Having had a strict schedule the past ten years of my life didn't allow me to sleep in but I guess staying up until three in the morning would wear anyone out.

I had gotten up at six to enjoy the sunrise. It had been beautiful and I had taken a few photos to brag to Jeremy later. I'd skipped my morning jog not feeling up to it. It was now nine am and I was on my second cup of coffee because it's all I had made that morning being too lazy to get to the phone and order room service for breakfast.

Lazy Saturday's were definitely a thing and I wondered what Marini and I would do for the day. I knew she wasn't going into the office because she had instructed Caleb to not call her unless the building was burning down. She needed the break after the stress of the past two days and I completely agreed with her. A lot of changes had been made at the office and I only knew about them because I had watched people go into Marini's office all day Friday and come out smiling meaning their requests had been met. She was a good boss if you did your job well, cross her and that was a whole different story.

"Good morning." The recent occupant of my thoughts greeted as she settled herself next to me on the long white sofa.

"Morning." I mumbled back sneaking in a glance at her from the corner of my eye.

She was dressed in one of the hotels white fluffy robes and some thick socks. She was wearing a sleeping cap for her hair and her face was make up free. She looked beautiful and radiant as her face was illuminated by the morning sun rays and I had to look at the ocean before I made a fool out of myself. The feelings I had towards her needed to stop.

It wasn't the first time I had seen her straight after she got out of bed but it was the first time I was noticing all the little details about her. Like how plump her bottom lip was and how perfectly it would fit clamped between my teeth. Her eyes were brown but she had a dark ring around her iris making her eyes more alluring. She had a beauty spot just below her right ear and another one on her neck. Oh what I would do for a chance to kiss each and everyone of them.

I really needed to stop thinking about her like that. Marini was my boss and would never be anything more than that. She didn't even see me that way and never would. All my feelings were one sided and I had to accept that and move on.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Do I have something someone on my face? Toothpaste stains? " Marini asked feeling around her mouth.

On hearing her question I blinked twice to get out of the trance her beauty had put me in and chuckled so I didn't seem like a freak.

"No nothing. You look okay. More than okay." I replied mumbling that last part to myself.

"Oh good." She breathed in relief and what she did next almost had me jumping off the balcony and into the sand below.

She took the mug that was in my hands and took a sip of my coffee. Her lips touched exactly where mine were a few minutes ago. In a teenagers words we were practically kissing. I needed to get a grip. I was way more mature than that.

"So I was thinking that we should just order breakfast which I already did before I came out here before heading out to the beach. I feel like having one of those colourful tropical drinks and catching some sun." She suggested.

"You want us to go to the beach?" I asked my voice coming out scratchy and croaked at the thought of seeing Marini in a bikini.

Why me?

All Hail His Queen ( The Matriarchy Series Book 1)✔️ Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu