👑 Chapter Eight 👑

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I had been working  non stop all morning and my jaw hurt from talking and my hand was numb because of all the typing I had to do. The only time I got off my desk was when I had to take a bathroom break. I wasn't complaining though. I loved my job and busy meant business. I got worried when I wasn't busy because it meant there was nothing for me to do thus no income. I wasn't worried about me during those times, I was worried about all my employees. But I thanked God because even when things got rough I'd never had to let any of them go. We always pushed through and I'd forever be grateful to the heavens for that.

Today was Isaac's first day at work and so far so good I think. Our talk over breakfast had clarified a lot of things and I hoped I had settled his mind. He would have a gun by the end of the week which I think was unnecessary but better safe than sorry. If I was getting a bodyguard then I was going to do everything right. I also had to set him up with Gilead to make sure he had other things to occupy him. I didn't want him to spend the whole day bored sitted outside doing nothing. I think that was pretty dull so I got him other responsibilities. I was a little skeptical about it but since I haven't had any complaints so far from either of them then it was safe to assume that it was all going well. As long as they got along and didn't kill each other then good for me.

The intercom buzzed and Joan's voice came through "Miss what do I order for your lunch today?"

I always had lunch in my office from a café down the street. They did office deliveries for my company and all my employees got a discount. They were very good too and served the best Kenyan dishes.

"I've been couped up in my office all morning so I'll go to the café personally. Need to stretch my legs a little." I replied.

"Okay ma'am." She replied.

I got up from my desk and began doing a few stretches to detangle my muscles. I was really cramped up. It was sunny outside and I was going to walk as it was only a few buildings over so I removed my coat and grabbed my phone and some cash. No need to carry my whole bag if I was only going to have lunch. I didn't know whether to ask Isaac to come with me or not. It was his job to follow me around but he may have been on his lunch break himself so no need to bother him. I wasn't going that far anyway.

I opened my door ready to leave only to see Isaac standing there straight as a pole his hands behind his back. I don't think I would ever got over how taller and bigger he was than me.

"How long have you been standing there?" I asked a little surprised closing my office door behind me.

"Not long. Going somewhere?" He enquired.

"Yes I'm going out for lunch. I usually have it delivered but I want to get out of these four walls for a while." I explained.

"Okay let's go." He replied.

I was going to argue with him and ask him to stay but then I realized that it was his job and the sooner I got used to him following me around everywhere the better for me.

"Okay."I replied and began walking towards the elevator.

Joan was sitting behind her desk enjoying her lunch and working at the same time. I'd never seen a more dedicated PA and that's why she always got a good Christmas bonus each year. She had been working for me for three years now and unless she resigned she'd grow old as my PA. She was too good to loose.

"So how is working with Gilead going?" I asked making small talk as we got into the elevator and pressed the ground floor.

"Pretty good actually. I don't know why you were so worried about us not getting along." He replied.

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