👑 Chapter One 👑

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I sat in the backseat of my car,outside the church waiting for my sisters to arrive so we could go in for the service. They weren't late, I was early. My driver was standing outside talking to a friend of his so I took the alone time to let my thoughts run free.

Growing up I learnt two very important things, one is to always put God first and the second is to treasure family. Those were two of the principles I abided by most. There were others of course, like don't let men dictate what you can and can't do just because you're a woman but those can be discussed later.

I never joked with God because I knew how far He had brought me and I had witnessed His work in my life. That's why every Sunday like clockwork I always went to church together with my two younger sisters whenever they were around. I had raised them to be strong, responsible and God fearing young women. I think I had done a pretty good job considering they were both decent human beings with their own careers and self sufficient enough to be living on their own.

I was always worrying about them considering Lulu the second born was a wild card and Amani the last born was just, I don't know, but she was still my baby and I worried about her. Lulu was always travelling around the world living the best dangerous life while Amani was always stuck in her own head. While I had to be the responsible one to keep them in check.

It had been that way ever since we were kids. Our parents had both died in an armed robbery when I was eighteen and fresh out of high school. Lulu was fourteen and Amani was eleven. I had to take up the parental role seeing as our relatives completely abandoned us after that incident. I put myself through college while dealing with two hormonal teenagers who were struggling with the loss of their parents. It was trying but I loved my sisters to death and no matter how hard it got at the end of the day they were there for me too.

It was a lot easier for us than most people got because our parents had left us enough money to keep us afloat for a few years. Our money hungry relatives couldn't get their dirty hands on our inheritance because I was already of legal age to take control of everything.

At twenty three I had completed college with a bachelor's degree in economics and with the money left I'd taken a leap of faith and began my own travel agency. It had been risky at first but living in Kenya, one of the most popular tourist destinations in Africa, my business had grown pretty fast. Now five years later I was the owner and CEO to a multi-million business living the best life as a woman in power. It wasn't easy getting where I was because I was always surrounded by sharks in the name of men but I had made it and it was all thanks to God, the encouragement of my sisters and the drive to make something of myself as a woman in a country dominated by men.

Speaking of God, the service was about to start in a few minutes and the girls weren't here yet. I decided to get out of the car and just head in without them so I grabbed my purse, unlocked the door and got out. I was dressed in a maxi ankara dress with high heels and a clutch to match my dress. My make up was done to perfection having mastered it over the years and my hair was done in crotchet faux locs, painful but they made me look good. My heels made me look taller than my five foot seven height but that's what I was going for to be able to intimidate all the men.

Just as I was about to get into the church I heard my name being called out by two familiar voices. I turned around and saw my sisters walking fast trying to catch up to me. It still shocked me how similar we looked. I was a little on the fuller side with size full breasts, a little belly fat that was barely visible unless I ate too much and wide hips and an ass to match. Lulu was built athletically with long legs and sizable hips and small breasts. Amani had the perfect figure with size thirty six breasts, a flat stomach, a tiny waist and from there she blew up with huge hips and an ass. We all looked very alike, like triplets born in different years with a slight height difference.

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