👑 Epilogue One 👑

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I tapped my foot restlessly on the tiled bathroom floor as I waited for the three minutes to pass before I could confirm what I was seeing. My watch chimed and I grabbed the test off of top of the bathtub and checked the results. I slid to the bathroom floor with the test clasped in my hand. The two lines were a big surprise and I would have taken them lightly were it not for the other seven tests with the same results on the floor. It was official, I was pregnant.

How had it happened?

Oh I know how it had happened, I just didn't want to to accept it. I was never off the pill even once in our one and a half year of marriage. It was four months after my thirtieth birthday and at first I had thought it was early menopause until I considered the other option and ordered ten different tests online. Don't judge me, I wanted to be sure. There was no need to take the other two tests. Unless eight companies were wrong then I was carrying Isaac's baby.

We had agreed to wait two years before trying but that was already out the window now. I was not as scared by the thought of kids as I was when I married Isaac but it didn't make the news any easier. Isaac would be elated. He always wanted kids, a girl first and then a boy. Looks like he was getting his wish sooner than expected except I just didn't know who I was popping out first.

"Hey wifey are you in here?"Isaac yelled from the bedroom cutting of my train of thought.

"In the bathroom, give me a minute."I replied getting off the floor.

I tossed all the tests in the bin, flushed the toilet and washed my hands. I entered the bedroom and was met with a very excited looking Isaac. He was only like that when he had good news to deliver. He kissed my lips quickly before pulling me to follow him downstairs.

"Babe you see how you are always complaining that Kim is my dog and you wish you had your own?" Isaac asked me.

"Uh-huh."I answered distractedly, the weight of the news I had to drop on him weighing heavy on my shoulders.

"Well I finally got a solution."He announced.


"Let me just show you."

Before I could protest he led me to the backyard and made us stop at the edge of the garden. He whistled like he usually did for Kim but this time three dogs came running towards us. One was definitely Kim and the other two looked like him but one was as white as snow and the other one had brown fur.

"Isaac what did you do?"I asked turning to face him my hands on my hips.

"I got you a dog."He shrugged.

"Those are two dogs."I replied stating the obvious as they got to us and started sniffing around.

"The white one is for you and the brown one is for the both of us."He explained smiling widely as if what he had just said was making any sense.

"What are we going to do with three dogs?" I asked momentarily distracted from the baby news I had just found out.

"Keep them. Look just how cute they are."He argued scratching the ears of the brown one.

The white one licked my hand looking up at me with adorable eyes. It was so hard to resist their charm but I still had a point to put across.

"I know for a fact that this breed of dog is very expensive due to how rare they are in Kenya, how much did you splurge on them?"I asked.

"Nothing much, I just paid for them to be delivered via air to here. My friend owns a farm in the States. We served together in the military and when I saw on Facebook that he had the pups I requested for two but had to wait until they were a few months older to be shipped."He explained.

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