👑 Chapter Thirty One 👑

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After being iced out by Marini for weeks I decided to buy a PlayStation to kill time. I wanted to be out of her way but still in proximity in case she needed me. I didn't know what was bothering her and she wouldn't talk to me about it. I was getting really worried because she pretended to be okay in front of other people but as soon as we were home that facade fell. She became sad and depressed behind closed doors and I was the only person there to witness it. I'm sure if she had a choice I wouldn't be seeing her at all. She was barely eating or taking care of herself like she used to and I was on the verge of breaking and ranting her out to her sisters. It was immature of me to think like that but maybe they'd be able to help her get out of thus funk she was in.

Marini had gotten to the point of skipping work which I knew she actually liked doing. I remember how scared I had been when she didn't get up at her usual time the morning after the mysterious visit from those two old men. When Helena arrived to work an hour after we were supposed to be at work I got even more reason to be worried. She told me that Marini had never been late to work or missed a day unless she was really sick. To make matters worse she had locked herself inside her room. It had taken Helena and I an hour to find the spare keys and the minute I saw her something in me broke. She looked so fragile and lost, unlike the queen I was used to. That was only the first day to the weeks that followed of her locking herself in her room and looking like a zombie.

I just wished she'd talk to me about it. I may not be able to help her but I couldn't at least help her carry the burden so she didn't have to bear it all on her own.

I huffed in frustration and continued shooting the bad guys hoping they'd help me deal with my anger towards the whole situation. So far no luck with that so I just kept shooting.

My phone rang next to me so I paused the game to check who it was. I chuckled nervously upon seeing the name.

"Sheila."I greeted as soon as I received the call.

"You can stop sending chocolates now. It's been three weeks already."She huffed in frustration getting straight to the point.

"Does that mean you forgive me?" I asked hopefully.

Ever since Sheila and I broke up I felt so guilty so I sent her her favorite chocolates everyday. I wasn't buying her forgiveness with chocolates,that would be cheap of me but I also didn't want her hating me for the rest of her life.

"You really don't deal with hate properly do you?" She asked me and I knew she was smiling from the tone of her voice which I took to mean she was better.

"I can deal with hate just not from someone like you. I couldn't live with myself knowing I hurt you."I confessed.

"You're making it really hard to dislike you right now."She laughed softly.

"I really am sorry Shee."I apologized once again just like I had been doing for the past one week.

"It's okay Isaac. I forgive you and before you ask I'm not mad anymore. I appreciate the fact that you were courteous enough to not drag me along and use me."She replied.

"So we're good."I asked hopefully.

"Yeah we are and don't ask to be friends, that would be crossing the line."She chided.

"You read my mind."I laughed.

"You're too easy. Bye Isaac, it was nice knowing you even if it was for a short period of time."She said.

"Bye Sheila and the pleasure was all mine."I replied.

"Oh and Isaac?" She called to me before I hang up.

All Hail His Queen ( The Matriarchy Series Book 1)✔️ Where stories live. Discover now