👑 Chapter Ten 👑

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As much as I loved my work I always took my weekends off. This was my time to relax and unwind from all the stress of the week. I sometimes worked on Saturdays but that was optional and in the comfort of my home so it didn't actually count as a working day.

I wasn't feeling particularly jolly when I woke up Saturday morning because of all the happenings of the previous day. That host Susan or whatever her name was had gone too far. I had specifically asked not be asked the question about my relationship status but she had disobeyed direct orders from her boss and asked me anyway. What sort of employee was she? I wasn't hoping she lost her job because that would be too harsh but I hoped that Grace punished her accordingly.

I was not ashamed of being single and didn't care if people found out. The reason I refused to be asked that question on air was because anytime I had an interview and was asked that question there was an increase in the number of suitors I got. A lot of people wanted to date me for a lot of different reasons like my wealth, my looks, my status, my company and I hated that. I always got proposals from a lot of men but the number always seemed to increase whenever I said I was single on an interview. It's like people saw that as a plea for help. They saw it as a way for me to seek out someone to date me.

That was definitely not the case so I had stopped answering that question. It didn't mean men stopped approaching me with the stupid idea of getting together but their numbers dwindled. All I wanted so some peace of mind and I don't think people actually understood that. I didn't mind being single. It was my life and it was none of people's business. I think I should make a billboard announcing that so people could just understand once and for all. My life. My rules. My business.

"What are you thinking about so hard?"Isaac asked joining me in the kitchen where I was having breakfast in my silk pajamas.

It was mid morning and he had just come from showering after his morning exercise. We had both slept in that why we were having breakfast late.

"The interview yesterday is still stuck in my head." I admitted wanting to let it out to someone else before it drove me crazy.

"I don't think you should let it affect you that much. I'm sure people do things that offend you all the time." He reasoned as he started on his own breakfast.

We cooked on alternative days to maintain the balance.

"Yeah and I'm usually very fast in getting over my anger but for some reason I can't get over this one." I confessed.

"I wish there was something I could do to help. Working out helps sometimes but we both know how you don't like that." He suggested.

"Anything else but that." I agreed and we were both silent for a few minutes as we are thinking of stuff to do.

I really needed to get my mind off that but there was nothing to do. Honestly why couldn't I think of something?

"What's this?" Isaac asked holding up an envelope that was on the counter.

"My lawyer just dropped those off. They are our permits for the firearm ownership. I thought I'd get myself one too in the process of getting yours." I explained.

"Do you even know how to use a gun?" He asked genuinely but with teasing tone.

"No but I'm sitting next to someone who according to his records had excellent marksmanship so you can teach me....." I trailed off for a while when the perfect idea came to mind.

"Actually I just got the perfect idea. You and I are going to get our guns right now and going to the shooting range. I'm going to pretend that target is Susan and put bullet holes in her." I exclaimed excitedly.

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