👑 Chapter Thirty Two👑

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You ever get that feeling after getting up from a nap of being completely satiated. That's what I woke up to when I stirred awake completely unaware of the time or where I was. I sat up and after my eyes cleared up I realized I was in Isaac's room. His hoodie fell off my shoulders causing me to shiver and without thinking I grabbed it and put it on. The room was too silent meaning he was not in there with me. I had no idea how long I had been asleep so I got up and left his room in search of where he had disappeared off to.

I tried to find an ounce of guilt for falling asleep in the arms of someone's boyfriend but came up blank. I had no idea what had led me to Isaac's room but I just knew that I couldn't be on my own any longer. My own thoughts were eating me up from the inside like acid and I had just hoped Isaac would at least help take that pain away.

I hadn't meant to break down but when he hugged me I had felt so at peace I just let it all go. I had cried like a baby and it had been so freeing, like all I needed was just that one good cry. I didn't intend to fall asleep on top of him after that either but he had felt so comfortable I couldn't help but drift off. It was the best sleep I'd gotten in almost a month because for some reason being in Isaac's arms made me feel like all my problems were solvable. Maybe I should get more of his hugs then so I didn't get as depressed.

I walked into the kitchen and found him being over the oven prodding a pizza. Looks like we were having homemade pizza for supper.

"Nice ass there Johnson."I commented and he must have not heard me come in because he jumped up surprised hitting his head on the open cupboard door above his head.

I tried to hold it in but the whole thing was amusing so I just burst out laughing. He turned to look at me with a glare etched on his face until he saw me and a smile appeared on his lips.

"It's nice to see you laughing. You haven't been doing much of that lately."He said and my laughter slowly died down.

"Way to kill the mood."I teased still smiling as I settled myself on one of the kitchen stools.

"I'm sorry I couldn't help myself and did you just call me Johnson. That's my dad's name. I haven't been called that in ages."He replied.

Isaac didn't like talking about his family and I didn't like pushing him to do it but this time he was the one who brought them up.

"Do you miss your family back in the States?" I asked him and he thought about it for a minute before replying.

"I think about them from time to time but it's been almost a year since I left the States and six months since I spoke to anyone of them so I don't miss them as much as I should. I didn't exactly leave on the best of terms and the last time I spoke to my dad he told me to never contact him again unless I was planning on going back. I'm obviously never going back there and since I'm an obedient son I'm not calling him."He explained and my heart went out to him.

He seemed okay with the whole thing and I was happy for him but still they were family.

"I'm sorry."I found myself saying.

"It's okay we were never close anyway. No love lost."He declared with a sad smile.

"But still it must be hard. He's your dad and the only parent you have unless you found your mom."

"I tried finding her when I came here so she could at least get to say goodbye to my grandma but came up blank. Last anyone heard of her she was living here in the city after leaving the coast."He expounded.

"Well if you need help finding her, I know a few people and I'm sure I would get some results."I offered.

"Thanks but maybe later. For now let's focus on you and that this is the longest conversation we have had in over a month."He said looking at me intently.

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