👑 Chapter Twenty Four 👑

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I loved sleeping in Saturday mornings. It was my day to catch up on sleep and just relax. The one day of the week that my alarm could take a break. So when I woke up at ten am feeling well rested and satiated I didn't even feel an ounce of regret for being so lazy. I did my morning business before getting out of my room still in my pjs and heading downstairs to the kitchen. The house was quite except for Kim who was chasing a ball around in the backyard. Isaac was usually up around this time but the kitchen was empty. Was he sick or something?

The note on the fridge telling me that he would be spending the day with Jeremy cleared up that for me. But why didn't he take Kim with him. I'm sure Kim would have appreciated leaving the house for a bit. He left without even telling me. I know he left a note but still he could have at least told me why. Maybe we were spending too much time together that he needed a break or he just missed Jeremy. Well whatever, I'd be fine on my own.

Shrugging off those thoughts I made myself breakfast and made extra bacon strips for Kim while thinking about what to do with my day. I wasn't feeling like doing any house work so I decided to take Kim for a walk around the estate. My compound was big and I rarely got time to walk around it and enjoy everything. Helena usually handled the maintenance around the house calling a Gardner to take care of everything. She had a budget for that so I let her handle it.

I walked back into my room to put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and some running shoes. I wasn't going to be doing any running but they seemed appropriate. I grabbed a basket in case there were fruits I could collect and joined Kim outside.

He saw me and run towards me tail wagging his tail in happiness. Dogs had the most care free attitude out there and it was admirable. They enjoyed every little thing and found happiness in every situation.

Maybe we should get Kim a friend to play around with. I'm sure he'd appreciate the company. As long as it was a male friend. Puppies were not a responsibility I could handle.

"Want to come with me for a walk?" I asked rubbing his ears.

His tail wagging got wilder and I took that as a yes. I took off for the small foot path that led to the back with Kim following behind me. He got distracted every few seconds by one thing or another but whenever he realized I was too far ahead of him he always came running forward.

We didn't get that many fruits but there were a few avocados that I'd use later to make a salad. I got a few apples too and since I didn't have a container for the berries I just ate them straight from the tree. Kim didn't like their taste so much when I gave him one. The scrunched up face he put on was the cutest; it had me laughing for minutes.

Feeling like I'd had enough fresh air I walked back towards the house. I helped Kim rinse of his paws before getting back in since he's decided a muddy puddle looked fun. Washing him left me wet so I had to take a shower when I got back inside. It was good bonding time with Kim and I enjoyed each minute of it.

After taking a shower I changed into sweatpants and a hoody and some fuzzy socks. I grabbed my laptop from my office and walked back to my living room. I got snacks from the kitchen and piled them on the table and decided to get some work done. Nothing serious, just reading and replying some emails and reviewing a few proposals.

A few hours later I was so engrossed in particular email that I didn't hear the door open until I heard someone talking to Kim. I looked up from my laptop and saw Lulu getting slobbered up by Kim. Lulu didn't mind getting kicked by Kim as much as I did.

"If I didn't travel around so much I'd get me one of him." Lulu claimed giving Kim a belly rub.

"You could actually settle down and get yourself a dog." I suggested.

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