👑 Chapter Seven 👑

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Alarms were loud, annoying and I guess effective because they definitely woke you up. I woke up at five o'clock the following morning and took an hour to take a jog around the compound . I was used to  much more intense training so this was just to keep me fit. I also took advantage of Lulu's gym hoping she wouldn't mind. I'd been slacking off in my exercises but I needed to start taking them more seriously now since I was working now.

By six I was done and took a much needed shower. I'd had my beard trimmed on Saturday morning so it was good for another week. I brushed my teeth before walking back to my closet and putting on a black suit with a white shirt, a black tie and black loafers. Picking up my phone,watch and wallet I was good to go.

I heard the shower running in Matini's bedroom so I decided to make us breaking breakfast while she got ready. I put on an apron and decided to make some fried eggs, bacon, toast and made some juice and coffee.

She arrived downstairs just as I was taking off my apron done with all the cooking.

"Good morning Isaac."She greeted as she entered the kitchen.

"Good morning boss." I replied in a teasing tone earning a playful glare from her.

She was dressed in all black. A black long sleeved full neck tucked into figure hugging trousers, a black blazer, black heels and a large black handbag. Her make up was flawless and applied artistically and her hair was straightened and falling over her back pinned back on one side behind her ear.

"You look beautiful this morning." I complimented feeling like I just had to let it out.

I may have a little crush on my boss but that's all it was. A crush. Nothing else.

"Thank you. You look sharp too. Definitely dressed the part of brooding bodyguard." She teased back earning a glare from me.

Our relationship had gone from awkward boss and employee to friends when we'd bonded over the conversation we'd had the previous day. We were now closer which was good because I didn't want to be strangers with her seeing as we would be spending so much time together.

We both took our seats and enjoyed breakfast together. She was scrolling through her IPad while I replied messages from Jeremy.

"There was something I wanted to talk to you about, actually two things." I stated after a few minutes of silence.

She put her IPad down and have me her full attention"Sure what's up?"

"First one is about me carrying a weapon while I'm on duty and two is about my full role as your bodyguard, like what I'll be doing all day when you're working in your office." I expounded.

Those two things had been bugging me a lot because I first of all I didn't mind carrying a weapon but I didn't know if she was comfortable with that. I also didn't have one so I would have to purchase it and get a license for it. I also didn't want to stay idle all day while she worked. I'd be bored out of my mind. I was patient but there's a difference between sitting in the scorching sun in the desert on a mission patiently waiting for the target and sitting in a stiff chair all day doing nothing.

"I had actually already thought about that. To address the first issue. My lawyer is already handling getting you a license and as soon as we get it we'll purchase you a gun. You are the expert so I'll leave that to you. The second issue was something I was going to talk to you about on the drive over but Josiah isn't here yet so we can discuss it. I know your job is to watch over me and sitting around all day while I work can get a little boring so I got you extra work. You will be working hand in hand with the head of security for my company. I'll introduce you two when we get to work." She explained.

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