👑 Chapter Nine 👑

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The days flew by fast and soon enough  Friday afternoon found me driving Marini to a photoshoot. Josiah had asked for a few days off to visit his family back in his hometown so I was left with the responsibility of being the chauffeur as well as the bodyguard.

My first week had been great and honestly I had zero complains. Gilead was a good boss and treated me like an equal always asking me for my input on issues. We made a good team working together. Marini was great too and we'd made it a habit of always having lunch together at the cafe.

The conversations were great and we grew closer each day. Weird thing is there were no romantic feelings involved. Don't get me wrong, she was an incredible woman and blessed in all the right places and I did find her attractive. I could even go as far as saying that I had a crush on her but that was it. I'd never act on it because I'd never want to ruin our professional relationship. She may be my friend but she was also my boss. Any other circumstance I would definitely have courted her if she had given me a chance  but the situation we were in wouldn't allow that.

Working for her and being her friend was more than enough for me. And besides from what I'd gathered she didn't date and wasn't interested in dating. She had been in a relationship about five years ago but it went up in flames and she was never seen with another person again. I'd read in the magazines that whenever she was asked she said that relationships just weren't for her and she was comfortable being single. I didn't judge her though, it was her life and she was entitled to live it however she wanted to.

"You've been quiet for a while. Is everything okay?"Marini asked from the backseat.

I caught her gaze through the rearview mirror.

"Yes just caught up in my own head." I assured her.

She still looked worried and puzzled so I had to find a quick way to divert her thoughts before she asked me what I was thinking about. I was not ready to have that conversation with her and to be honest I never would be.

"So what's the photoshoot about?" I asked curiously.

"It's more of an interview than a photoshoot though there will be a few pictures taken. I was nominated for female entrepreneur of the year and there's a magazine that wants an interview."She explained.

"Wow. Congratulations but didn't you win the award last year too." I asked remembering seeing the trophy in her study earlier during the week as I was exploring.

"Yeah actually I did. I hope I don't win this year though. There are so many other women doing such great work and they deserve the recognition too." She explained.



"You're humility just floors me everytime. I mean it's obvious that you deserve the win but you're rooting for other people instead of yourself." I commented.

"It's only because I'm running against my fellow women but if it was against men. Trust me I would not be wishing that." She explained with a scoff.

"I honestly doubt that, you're too kind and selfless." I insisted.

"Maybe, maybe not." She said brushing me off and I smiled.

I was right even if she didn't want to admit it. Nobody would be willing to give up such an award so that it could go to someone else even if they deserved it. If it was up to me she would win that award and more because she deserved it.

The gps informed me that we had arrived and it was confirmed by the huge gate with the logo Mawingu Studios at the front. I stopped the car and a guard came towards us through the small side door with a clipboard drapped under his arm. I rolled down my window to talk to him.

All Hail His Queen ( The Matriarchy Series Book 1)✔️ जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें