👑 Chapter Thirty Nine 👑

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The day had been going pretty great so far. Apart from the fact that Marini had been on edge since morning everything else was going according to plan. I had never seen her to tensed before and it was making me nervous. I tried to assure her that I was there for her the whole time but that only worked for a few minutes before she was back to her tense self.

We were all seated under a tent with the elders sitting on one side while we sat on the other with a table in between us. Meru was a beautiful place and if not for the fact that Marini probably hated the place now after the ordeal we were dealing with I would have asked her to bring me sometime.

Her uncle came back and sat besides the leader whose name I failed to catch. He had been sent to the truck to check that everything we had been asked for was in there.

"Everything is there and surprisingly enough it's double what we asked for."He commented and I looked at Marini questioningly.

"Are you trying to show off?" The elder asked looking angry.

Marini sat back definitely not intimidated by the vibe he was trying to pull off before replying to him.

"Not in the least. I was not happy with what you and you're council did so I decided to end all this once and for all. The items you had asked for were supposed to cover me and my late mom. I doubled them because I want to pay my sisters dowry too so we never have to set foot in this place."Marini explained and it was the first time I was hearing about everything.

I was a little shocked myself and so was everyone else who had accompanied us. The elders looked very surprised to and everyone started talking all at one.

"Marini."I called out to her asking for an explanation but she ignored me.

I'll not lie and say that it didn't hurt because it did. We were supposed to be in it together but she had gone behind my back and arranged everything without telling me. It made me feel insignificant and inferior to her which was the one thing I had hoped to never feel while dating her.

The old man hit his cane on the table silencing everyone.

"It doesn't work like that young lady."The old man reprimanded.

"I know and neither does the modern world that I live in now. I respect you and your traditions and if I could I would sever those ties after what you've made me go through but I can't do that. The only other time I will ever have to be back here is if either of my sisters are getting married and even then I don't want to come. So we're settling this once and for all."Marini declared in a no nonsense tone.

"Do your sisters even want to get married or have suitors?"He asked.

"I don't care and besides its their choice if they want to get married but I can't allow them to go through what I am so I'm ending this today. So what do you say do we have a deal or not?"Marini asked in her business voice.

It was all quiet for a while with the council discussing amongst themselves.

"We will need some time to discuss everything."The council leader declared when they couldn't seem to get to a fast conclusion.

"Okay thirty minutes, we still have to get back to the city today."Marini declared getting up and like her puppies the rest of us followed her.

We left the council and instead of following everyone else back to the cars I broke off and took some random direction to their shamba where they had the khat plantation. Lulu had told me it was the main cash crop in Meru. I'd seen a few people chew it but I'd never gotten the urge myself. Khat was in no way medicinal so it'd stay away from my body.

All Hail His Queen ( The Matriarchy Series Book 1)✔️ Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ