👑 Chapter Fifteen 👑

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I was lying on the sofa in the lobby outside the office where Marini was trying to fix the mess created by her employees. She had suggested earlier that I go back to the hotel but I just couldn't do it. Not only was it my job to always be by her side but I also couldn't bring myself to leave her alone. Even if she didn't admit it she had been scared the moment she got the call about the strike while we were still back in Nairobi and she was still scared. She was scared that she wouldn't be able to fix the mess thus leading to her losing her employees and the a kayak branch. It wouldn't happen though because I believed in her to fix the current mess and get this branch up and running again.

It was 1 am in the morning and it was so still and quiet I could hear my heart beating. Caleb had left at around midnight leaving me and Marini alone. I would have offered to stay inside the office with her but I felt as if I would be a bother so I just stayed outside. I'd dozed off for a few hours so I was wide awake with nothing to do. I was also very hungry having had nothing to eat since lunch and I knew Marini was hungry too. Did coast have a pizza inn? If they did I would really enjoy a pepperoni pizza. Even if there was a pizza inn or a Dominos I didn't know if they delivered this late. Maybe I should ask Marini if she had any ideas.

I knocked softly on her door to alert her that I was coming in before opening the door and walking in. It was so quiet in there and I understood why when I saw Marini lying on her desk with a little drool coming out of the corner of her mouth. It was adorable. She must have over worked herself to the point of exhaustion.

I walked towards her side of the desk and carefully shook her awake so I didn't spook her. She grumbled in her sleep and slapped my hand away. Feisty. I chuckled to myself before trying again.

"Marini you need to get up." I whispered shaking her awake.

I needed to get her back to the hotel so she could get some food, a few hours of sleep and be refreshed to face another day come morning.

"I don't want to." She grumbled sleepily.

This side of Marini was one I'd never seen before. She was behaving like a child and it was all very cute but she actually needed to get up. After a few more tries without success I gave up. She must have been so tired to be this exhausted because I knew she wasn't such a heavy sleeper. I let her sleep for a few more minutes as I called us a Bolt to take us back to the hotel. The driver assigned to us had already left so I had to find us another means of transport.

I started gathering her things and putting them in her large handbag as I waited for the car to arrive. Before I had no idea why women needed such huge bags but after I fit everything of Marini's inside including her jacket I now understood the need for it. A few minutes later I got a message that our ride was waiting downstairs so I had to get my sleeping beauty down there.

How was I going do that considering she didn't want to wake up. Guess that only left one option, carrying her. How, was the million dollar question. I could easily lift her but carrying her bridal style with all those obstacles like the elevator and the doors that needed to be opened didn't seem like such a good idea. I settled for the next best thing. I decided to carry her on my back which brought up another problem. How to get a very uncooperative Marini onto my back.

After a few more minutes of thinking about it I got the solution. I pushed her chair back and was quick to catch her before she fell face first onto the floor. She must have been tired considering she didn't even stir awake. I put my hands under her arms and pulled her up. I would have carried her army style like a wounded soldier but I didn't think she'd appreciate that. I lifted her up and placed her on her desk. This time she did stir awake.

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