👑 Chapter Eleven 👑

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Teaching Marini how to shoot had been fun and also very entertaining. The funniest part for me was when she was asked what kind of gun she wanted and she replied the small ones. It had been hilarious because she was actually being honest with her reply. She could be savage when it came to handling her business but I saw her being clueless for the first time since I met her and it was a memory I'd remember for a while.

She was also a fast learner so teaching her had been easy. She had seemed to enjoy herself which made me even more proud that I'd been there with her. The fact that she had sat patiently for almost two hours watching me shoot round after round at the target had humbled me. I knew I was good and didn't need the training but the feeling I'd gotten from holding a gun in my hands again after almost a whole year was out of this world. It was just me, my gun and the target for those two hours and I owed it all to Marini. Working for her was turning out to be better than I had imagined.

The following morning I was patiently waiting in the kitchen for Marini to finish getting ready for church. I was a believer having been raised by my grandma who was strong in her faith. My faith in God also helped me get through some tough moments as a veteran. If not for God being by my side I would never have gotten out of there alive. I owed Him my life.

We had woken up about two hours ago prepared and had breakfast before separating to get ready. I think we were starting to behave like a married couple. It was just funny how after living together for only a week we were so in sync with each other. I better not dwell on that thought before I couldn't undo my thoughts.

I'd offered to do the dishes to give her more time to get ready but I still managed to get ready before her. I didn't mind waiting though, she could take as much time as she wanted.

Kim was in the backyard chasing his own tail. It was a funny watching him do that. Marini had taken quite a liking to him and I appreciated that. I don't know what I would have done if they didn't get along because Kim was my dog and I would never leave him but I really needed the job. I'm just happy I didn't have to choose between the two.

My thoughts were disrupted by the clinking of heels on the stairs. I stood up and now understood why Marini took so much time to get ready. She looked beautiful. She was wearing a red maxi dress that reached her ankles and allowed you just a little peek at the black heels she was wearing. The dress had a sweetheart neckline with long sleeves,the top bodice hugged her torso before flowing from her waist downwards. She had impeccable fashion sense. Her make up was perfectly done and her teardrop necklace matched her earrings. What captured my attention most was the Nigerian style head dress she wore which was of the same material as her dress. It looked like a crown on the head of a very deserving queen

"Wow just wow." I commented after lacking better words.

I felt under dressed in my three piece grey suit with a black tie and black loafers.

"Thank you. You clean up nice too." She replied with a smile.

"I'll pull the car around." I commented and before she could reply I was already headed towards the garage via the kitchen leaving her standing there with a confused look on her face.

I needed a few seconds to breath and gather myself. Marini was a natural temptress without even knowing and it was getting harder each and every day to control myself around her. For instance yesterday I almost shot myself on the leg to distract myself when I saw her bouncing up and down her boobs jiggling themselves in front of my face anytime she made a good shot. She was trying my restrains but I had to be strong. I couldn't loose my job because I had feelings for my boss. Feelings aside and work first.

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