👑 Chapter Thirty 👑

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I was woken up by a pounding on my door that was making the pounding in my head worse than it already was.

"Marini open this door right now."I heard Isaac demand from the other side of the door.

Why was he being so violent? I lifted my head from under the covers and looked at my alarm clock, crap. Oh so that's why he was knocking. I was more than two hours late for work.

"Isaac not now."I groaned when I heard him knock again, a little louder than the previous time.

I didn't think he heard me because he just continued knocking and calling out to me. I was tired, sleep deprived and had the worst headache in the history of headaches. I slowly sat up so as not to upset my aching head any further.

"Okay that's it. I'm coming in."He declared and before I could say anything else I heard whispers out the door before the lock turned and in came in a distressed looking Isaac with Helena trailing after him looking equally as worried.

They both didn't say anything and neither did I, they just stood there looking at me with shocked looks on their faces. Isaac looked like he was having a stroke while Helena looked just about ready to cry. I didn't even question their looks because if I looked just as terrible as I felt then they were justified. I knew I had dark circles under my eyes from lack of sleep, my eyes were probably red and swollen from crying and my hair resembled a bird best for failure of wearing a sleeping cap to bed. It'd be a pain later to get the knots out.

"Oh my God, miss are you okay?"Helena asked rushing to my side and placing her hand on my forehead.

"Yeah Helena I'm fine."I replied trying to give her the most reassuring smile but I was sure I failed.

"No you're not."Isaac commented keeping his distance from me.

I almost rolled my eyes at the gaze he as throwing my way, it's not like I was contagious or anything.

"Yeah I am. I just need some pain meds because my head is killing me."I said.

"I'll get it for you and some breakfast too."Helena declared and before I could say anything else she hightailed out of the room.

Helena reminded me of my mother sometimes, sweet, kind, protective and sometimes overbearing but in a caring way. I'd hired her immediately I moved into the estate and it had been one of the best decisions I had ever made. She had taken care of me and my sisters as if we were her children and had even cried when they had both moved out. I loved her for always being the mother hen we needed even if she was just an employee.

"Marini what's wrong?" Isaac asked looking at me worriedly with a tiny of pity of his face.

I didn't want him to look at me like that. I didn't need his pity or his fake concern. I had gone to apologize to him after treating him so terribly when my uncle and his guest left but he was leaving for her. He was going to see his girlfriend when I needed him the most. I actually thought he cared when he had made me food and brought me ice cream but he was just being the gentleman that he was.

I knew he cared and I was just being petty but he should have seen that I was not okay and stayed for me. I guess he really had moved on and I hadn't.

"Nothing's wrong."I replied trying to be as aloof as possible.

"Yes there is, I mean look at you, no offense but you look like you were ran over by a bus. That's not the Marini I know so please talk to me. It scares me seeing you like this."He admitted and I suddenly felt guilty.

He truly did care, of course I knew that but hearing him say that just proved it to me all the more. I didn't want to talk to him though. What I was going through was my problem and my problem alone.

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