👑 Chapter Thirty Five 👑

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I walked into Marini's office and found her on a call. She motioned for me to wait and I made myself comfortable in one of the seats in front of her desk. Just to mess with her I propped my legs on top of her desk making her glare at me. When she saw that the glare wasn't working she threw the closest thing at me which was a stapler. I easily caught it before it hit me and she just got angrier. Deciding she'd suffered enough I took my feet off the desk whilst laughing.

In seven months we had grown so close and I wouldn't have it any other way. Besides the three months I dated Sheila every other time had been perfect. Now if she would only say yes, we could seal the deal and make it official. I was making a joke about the whole wedding situation so I could make it easier on her but I was pretty serious about it 

"One of this days I will take your gun and shoot you."She threatened after ending her call.

"Look at us having marital problems already."I teased and she threw a pencil at me but I ducked and it missed me.

"Do you marriage jokes have an end?" She asked.

"If you say yes they will."I replied.

"Nice try but I doubt it. I feel like they will just get worse. And besides there is no way I'm saying yes after such a nasty proposal. I deserve the whole romantic stuff that comes with a proposal."She answered.

"You totally do. Wait? Is that a way of you saying you'll say yes if I propose the right way?" I asked hopefully.

"Maybe, maybe not but seriously Isaac what do you want? I have a lunch meeting in ten minutes."She asked brushing off the subject but I kept it in mind.

"I know and that's why I'm here. Since when do you have lunch meetings?" I asked.

"Jealous?" She teased back.

"Extremely. We just started having lunch together again so why am I getting replaced."I admitted shamelessly because it was true.

"Because this is the only time the client could squeeze me in. He's in the country for only a day and I'm thinking of doing business with him so I'm sorry Isaac. I'll make it up to you. We can go out for dinner sometime this week."She proposed.

She didn't owe me an explanation being as she was my boss but I appreciated the fact that she was willing to mend our relationship. It had taken a hit when I had been dating Sheila and now we were fixing it and getting back to our original selves. We even had to change the café we used to go to for lunch. Marini said I had ruined it for her by taking Sheila there and I didn't object to it. Even if Marini didn't want to admit it I knew that she had feelings for me. Otherwise why would she get so jealous over the simplest of things concerning Sheila. I liked seeing her jealous because it meant that she cared and her feelings were still there. Now if only she could embrace them it would make it so much easier on her to say yes to my marriage proposal.

"It's okay I'll see you later then. I wish you a successful meeting."I said getting up.

"Thanks Isaac. Wait why aren't you insisting on coming with me?"She asked looking at me skeptically making me laugh.

"It's not like you're going to agree anyway. I'll just make plans with Gilead or go alone."I replied.

"But you hate going to restaurants alone." She observed and I liked that she paid attention to the little details about me.

I hated eating alone in fear of ordering the wrong thing since I wasn't very familiar with Kenyan menus even after being back for more than a year.

"I'll be fine.See you later."I said getting out of her office quick before she asked me anymore questions.

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