👑 Chapter Twenty Six 👑

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The meeting had run later than planned but that was to be expected when people couldn't agree on a simple thing. I was trying to get Mr. Stuck up, not his real name, sitted across from me to donate a few millions to fund the project I was sending Lulu to start on. He was refusing to give in because I refused to name the project after him.

"Joan get your stuff, we're leaving. Thank you for wasting two hours of my time Mr. Patel. Have a nice afternoon." I wished him getting up.

"Marini dear sir down. Let's talk about this." He requested looking at me with a smug look on his face.

I looked at him with my lips clamped in anger to prevent me from saying something I couldn't take back. Mr Patel was a rich Indian man born and raised in Kenya, who thought he was king of the world when he actually wasn't. He had a protruding belly and a balding head yet he thought appropriate to run his leg over mine once in a while under the table. Maybe I should have just let Isaac come with me.

The only reason I was there in the first place was because he owned one of the biggest construction companies in the country and I thought we could work out a deal but obviously I had been wrong.

"No thank you. I'll take my business elsewhere."I replied getting up.

Joan had already gathered up our stuff and was waiting for me by the door.

His assistant was sitting there looking at me with a bored look on his face already fed up with the meeting just like I was. I grabbed my bag and headed for the door. Just before I stepped out I turned to look at the elderly man. He smiled thinking that I had reconsidered but that smile dropped once he heard my words.

"Oh and by the way, your brother already gave me a check for five million and a promise of another five next month." I informed him shocking the breath out of him.

I turned on my heel and walked out confidently with a smug look on my face. Once the elevator doors closed Joan turned to me with a question gaze.

"But miss we haven't met with the other Mr Patel yet." She informed me.

"I know Joan, I was just playing my cards right." I replied.

"Huh?" She asked even more confused.

"Patience my dear Joan, patience." I replied and even though she had more questions she just nodded.

We got to the lobby and got out. A voice calling out to me caught my attention and I turned around to see Mr Patel's assistant running towards us out of breath. Had he just run down twenty flights of stairs? He looked ready to pass out by the time he stopped next to us, panting heavily. He put his hands on his knees hunched over as he tried to catch his breath holding up a finger asking me to wait.

A minute later he straightened up and handed me a cheque. I smirked when I saw the amount on it before handing it to Joan who looked at it with wide eyes.

"Mr Patel says to expect another one in three weeks." He informed me.

"Well tell Mr Patel I said thank you and we will include his name on the plaque with the names of all the other donors." I replied and he nodded since he was still a little winded.

Joan and I left the building with winning smiles on our faces. The Patel brothers had always been at each others necks trying to outdo each other. The ten million cheque I had just received was enough proof. I almost laughed in excitement when I realized just how much the other Patel would give when he realized what his brother had donated. It was conniving of me to play them like that but I knew I hadn't even made a dent in their bank accounts.

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