23. Warehouse

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Nights Can Be scary!!!

Someone switched the lights on, illuminating the room. She could feel the pain burning inside her with the attempt to open her eyes at the mercy of pain, but she couldn't. She could hear the loud footsteps around her. It felt like there were more than four people around her. Still trying to figure out what was happening when she was roughly picked up from the ground and they tied her hands and legs with a jute mask covering her face. Elizabeth could feel and sense everything happening around her, but she was weak and dying slowly. She was laying down unconscious in blood, unable to do anything. She fell up in the air while someone caught tightly her legs and hands. It felt like she was being picked up.

"She Is Dead, I guess!!" Violet says coldly, gazing at the men throwing Elizabeth's body in the coffin. When footsteps were heard beside her. She slowly shifts her head, watching Ian standing in Blue Suit standing watching his men. There was a mark over his neck, probably made from something sharp and deep. She ignored it and turned to watch the coffin getting locked up.

The deep pain shot inside Elizabeth's body. The coffin's head was closed, making it impossible for her to breathe. She tried to move her arms in a weak state, banging her head, but she failed as pain shot inside her and she fell unconscious again.

"Sooner is better!" Ian stated coldly and turns to pick a cigarette from his men's and lit it. Wafting smoke in the air.

"You have got whatever you wanted. We will be in Germany in a few hours. Till then she will probably die. Transfer the money. I will be leaving soon and we will never see each other." He announced smoking the last stroke and threw cigarettes away, steeping rapidly.

"Whatever! She is dead, and I got everything. You will receive money in minutes," Violet yelled. Ian's phone ring and he smirk walking away.

"Shift her body in the warehouse. Rodriguez and Kings! Will be coming soon to see a dead body." He walked inside his cabin. The yacht moved rapidly from the north sea to Germany.

The Zane swim into the sea under the yacht moved his legs like fish and turned watching his men behind him. He swims in circles and attached the GPS on the yacht and swims quickly and moves away from the yacht.

"Are you sure Mr. Arawn?" Rebecca asked scaredly while he wore his shirt buttoning his shirt and glared at her. Arcane sighed and move Rebecca away, taking the injection away from her hands.

"I know you aren't backing out. But rules to be remembered that you aren't leaving until Elizabeth is in your arms." Arcane state and Arawn roll their eyes at his words. He was hell worried about Elizabeth.

I need her back at any cost!! He thought when Arcane without warning inject the syringe inside the vein. He moaned in pain suddenly and glared at Arcane.

"You weren't listening!!" He said casually and walked away, throwing the syringe to Rebecca and standing beside Ares.

"Fine!!! I Agree," He said angrily and Xavier held his waistcoat helping him with it.

"Between last time Zane checked, Ian isn't in the north sea. He is coming back to Germany." Ares says, showing the GPS fixed by his men in Ian's yacht.

"It will be an easy kill!!" Arcane says grabbing another syringe from Rebecca, which she filled a few minutes ago, and inject inside Arawn vein. He winches and groans loudly in pain. Ares holds his chuckle and Arcane empties the drug inside his body and threw an empty syringe to Rebecca. She caught it perfectly, throwing it in a dustbin like the first one.

"Can't you be gentle?" Arawn groaned and Arcane glared at him quietly. Slowly Arawn got dressed and Xavier brought a wheelchair in front of him.

"I am Ain't sitting on that," Arawn growled, looking at Ares and Arcane together glaring at him while Xavier was holding him. Seeing their anger he shut it silently, taking a seat and Arcane walked behind him.

"This is the last time I push the chair. Next time find someone else." Arcane stated coldly. Ares lead the way with them, and Xavier followed behind.

"How long will it take for his warehouse?" Arawn asked while Ares normally answer typing on his phone.

"24 Hours!!" He said and Arcane speak pushing the chair into the private elevator.

"As you get Elizabeth, you will leave for that place. We are still not sure in what condition she will be. We will meet you directly at the hospital." Arawn just nods his head.

I will save you Elizabeth. You better be alive! He Thought getting uncomfortable in anticipation with the thought of her seeing dead.

Next Day, Warehouse

The warehouse was stocked up with men with guns all around standing and sitting in brown suits. It was dusty, dirty, and dark all around. The car slowly stopped at distance and Ares immediately gets off the car and arranged the sound suppressor on his gun walking towards the gate of the mansion and shooting men down without even blinking. Not even a single sound occurred around. He wasn't the man to mess with.

Arcane turns, looking at Arawn. "Whatever happens today. You will save Elizabeth first." Arawn nods and arcane grabbed his gun walking out.

Ian Anderson stepped down the steps of the stairs. The mansion was in silence "Is she dead?" Ian asked the men stepping towards the dungeon.

"Not sure sir, we didn't check. Do you want me to check?" The man beside him asked looking at him. Ian nods no and walked towards the coffin.

He gestures to his men to open it. The man in a black suit walks up removing the coffin head. Ian slowly chuckles breathing chest and looking for oxygen. Elizabeth felt like she found the world. She breathes as much oxygen as she can through the mask. Her body thumping in pain.

"Hard Women!!" He slowly chuckles and removes the mask away leaning toward the coffin. And watched unconscious yet conscious Elizabeth.

"I know you can hear me. You know I like killing Kings and Rodriguez, women. But killing Rebecca was the most entertaining thing I ever saw. She didn't give up even till her last breath. Guess she was stronger that's why I starved you almost to death and then I will give you slow death." Elizabeth tried to move her legs but she couldn't. The pain had overtaken her other than all the feelings. She hears his voice again.

"Violet isn't the girl with a brain. She could have kidnapped you and made you disappear with a simple note on Rodriguez's mansion stating that 'you don't want Arawn Rodriguez' then she could have got him. But revenge on her step-sister was quite high on her and then she hired me. And I am enjoying seeing you die. Between I have news maybe and maybe not Rodriguez will come for you on time and before that, I will be leaving and flying in a different world." He stated and smiled watching her graceful face. His eyes lingerie over her then back to her closed eyes and pale face.

"I wish I could enclose you like Rebecca. But you are too pure for my choice." He was stated when there was a loud bang echo in the surrounding.

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