16. Broke Princess

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Family Love is All Love you ever need.

The cool breeze was flowing slowly around. The curtains were slowly moving like they were dancing with the winds. He turns slowly watching her sleeping soundly. She looked beautiful in glowing skin and hair sprawled over the pillow.

"Staring is rude!" She smiled slowly opening her eyes and watching him. He chuckle softly when she got up sitting on the bed yawning and stretching her limbs.

"I have got your dress ready. We will leave in an hour." Arawn gets off the bed walking outside of the bedroom.

They were stepping down the stairs together. Elizabeth steps when Arawn sees her gown length was coming under her heels. He stops her by holding her wrist and bending a little holding the length of her gown in his hand and walks down the stairs. Elizabeth's heart flutters with happiness. 

They spot Alaric and Natalie in the hall sipping their coffee. "Where are you both going so early?" Natalie asked looking at them.

"To Elizabeth's Grandmother!! We are giving her a surprise." Arawn speaks and Natalie nods her head with a smile.

"Send her our greetings!" Alaric smiles looking at them and they smiled heading out. Xavier opens the door for Elizabeth. She smiles getting inside the car while Arawn sat on another side.

Michael Estate.

Arawn walks out before Elizabeth could open the doors. He opens and she smiles standing out watching out and smiling widely. The familiar wind and fragrance surrounded her. She felt at home. The royal guards were standing holding their swords. 

"This is Ancient" Arawn speaks holding her by the shoulder. "And Dangerous!" He leans to her ear and she smiles. "My Family Generation Lived here. It has to be." Elizabeth replied looking around. There were lots of new faces and people. Even the security changed when she smile widely. The oldest Butler of Kingdome. She walked towards her. Her memories were refreshed again.

"Mr. Andrew!" Elizabeth smiled and the old man just looked at her in confusion. She knew he didn't recognize her. She smiled and turned looking around the mansion and walked plucking white Lily and walking back to him.

"You remember every morning you send me these flowers." She speaks with a smile playing on her face. Mr. Andrew's face widened with a smile. He couldn't believe it.

"Princess!!" He immediately bow down to her but she held him in the middle of it.

"Come on I am not that old for you to bow done!" She smiled looking at him. "You are Our Princess, Miss Elizabeth. I am so happy. I will tell everyone." He turns when Elizabeth holds him smiling. "Where is Oma(Grandma)?" She asked Looking at him.

"At the Patio!!" Elizabeth smiles and holds Arawn hands walking inside. Arawn walks looking around at the magnificent architectural work in the Mansion. It was more like Castle.

He was looking around when Elizabeth's hands lose. He at once grabbed it looking at her. She smiled looking at him when his eyes fall on the old lady sitting sipping her coffee.

He left her, she turns walking away. All the staff turned watching the beauty walking towards Old Mrs. Michael.

The patio was big enough to be called a patio. The small man-made garden and pond surrounded the area. The water was flowing down slowly through a small Waterfall. The rocks were all around on the floor along with water and a small rock path to reach Patios.

The bird flies from near a small water pond splitting water over her from her wings. She walked safely holding her dress while tapping her heels over a stone rock over the water pond. He watched her walking smiling. She stood behind and bent putting her hands around Oma's eyes. Her old hands came over her hands and immediate words left her mouth.

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