C H A P T E R 3

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~Blake Turner's POV ~

It's been exactly three weeks since I went to the club and things have been okey or maybe I'm just  lieing. Just last week I graduated high school and I celebrated it on my own since none of my  family members ever came or even attempted to come. I felt so lonely and my heart ached watching as my fellow classmates interact with there families, taking pictures socializing with friends hearing parents telling there children how proud they are.

I'm my childhood I thought if I was great academically then my parents would notice me but they never did. I accepted diplomas alone and shared my joy with no one. Every year I made sure I was first in class and got straight A's and I did and still they didn't notice me.

Back when my siblings were in high school my parents where at every game and never missed anything. If my brother won a match my parents would take both my siblings out for dinner and they would have a great time together. I always envied them greatly. Wishing I could be treated like them. They were so popular, even when we attended high school together they would drive to school while I walked and no one ever knew we were related. I was basically treated like a maid to them.

Lately I haven't been feeling well, I keep on vomiting and I feel so nauseated.

I decided to take a pregnancy test because I don't remember using protection. I went to the nearest drug store and got me two pregnancy tests.
I rush upstairs and I got  the test done.

Few moments later I looking at the stick and it has two red lines on, my heart was beating so fast out of my chest, I composed myself and I looked at the second one and it too had two red lines. I couldn't believe my eyes.

Is this really happening great I'm pregnant and only 18 not to mention I can't even support myself financially. There's no way I'm aborting this child. My life just became alot more difficult.

I quickly throw the tests in the bin and I made dinner for my parents. After doing all my chores I go to bed. Doing my chores I was so out of it
I couldn't really focus on anything. I just felt so lost, scared and lonely. I don't even know how the father of my child will react.
I decided it's best I look for Leonardo and tell him. So tomorrow I'll go and look for him.

He has the right to know even though I'm slightly terrified of him. I'm still not over what he said to me. I highly doubt I will forget those words.

I guess overthinking made be so exhausted that I soon drifted off to sleep.


The morning I felt nervous. I was scared out of my mind either I'd be on this journey with someone or alone. Hopefully I can stay positive and everything could work out.

I woke up and got dressed into a a oversized shirt that reached right above my knee for shoes I wore white sneakers. I put my hair in a bun and I locked the door and made my way to his company . I felt slightly a bit nervous not knowing how he is going to react, everything could go amazing or really bad. With the way Leonardo spoke to me that morning I mostly expect it to go bad or even worse

I got out of the cab and made my way to the receptionist. "Hi my name is Blake and I'm hoping I could see Leonardo Rozet." I said with a hopeful smile and being polite as possible.

The receptionist looked me up and down and went back to typing on the computer. "Mr Rozet is currently in a meeting." she said rudely. She had an annoyed expression.

Just then the elevator opened revealing Leonardo. He looked upset and I wanted to turn around and leave but I knew I had to let him know. If I don't tell him know I don't when ill get the opportunity to see him again. So I put on my big girl panties and made  my way towards him

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