C H A P T E R 32

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Leonardo Rozet's POV

We sat in silence as she nuzzled her nose in the crook of my neck, her breath fanning my neck. I put my hand on her side rubbing it slightly.

I looked up to find everyone else had left the room and headed to the kitchen.

"You wanna tell me what's wrong?" I asked her softly. She looked up at me "Can I rather tell you when we at home. I just don't want to talk about it right now." I nod my head in understanding.

I am definitely worried about her. I have no idea what happened at the mall. What ever it was surely must have shaken her up a little.

" Well you look amazing in your outfit although I'd prefer you wearing it at home rather then out for everyone man to see. I don't want them to see my price possession and all her goodies." I said possesively.

Blake squirmed a little "It's just and outfit you possessive man. It's not like those people would even stand a charge. I don't need anyone else besides my king and prince." she reassured me.

I gave her a wide grin, kissing all over her face. "And I don't need anyone else other then my Queen and little prince." I kissed her deeply taking control of the kiss and dominating her mouth, mostly blame it on my dominant side.

We were pulled away by a small whimper. Grayson woke up starring at us with his big gray eyes. The little boy gave us a gummy smile when looking at his mother beside me.

"Awww did my baby miss me" Blake cooed as she took him from my arms giving him kisses. He giggled shaking his head a little making some of his curls fall on his head.

I chuckled lightly, Blake got up from my lap and walked towards the kitchen and I followed behind her.

"You guys should have seen the chick that hit on Blake." I raised an eyebrow getting interested.

"What chick?" I questioned. Charlotte laughed lightly "Oh you should have seen her. See the red haired girl came up to Blake and touched her shoulder giving her lust full looks. She even invaded Blake's personal space. And then and then she asked her for her number. Ella literally told her Blake is happily taken, but NAHHH this girl couldn't give the slightest f- I mean she could careless. Even after Blake rejected her she smirk and told Blake could hit her up for a good time then left."she said and soon they started laughing.

" Damn, you should have seen Blake's face, she was so uncomfortable. " Aww my poor babygirl.

" Just great now u have to look out for both genders just fantastic. "I mumbled more so to myself.

Blake pouted" It wasn't my fault it happened. "
I chuckled bringing her close to me and hugging her.

" Well you guys look beautiful. "I complemented them.

" Thank you at least someone noticed our make over."Said Charlotte giving her husband a glare.

Oh boy seems like Daniel is gonna hear it tonight. Daniel brought his wife closer and whispered something in her ear. Her eyes grew wide and she smacked her husband upside the head." Why would u say something like that, especially around innocent ears." Charlotte said frantically and all Daniel did was smirk.

"Well thank you Leo for the compliment." said Elva.

"But I did compliment you" whined Charles. She chuckled giving her husband a kiss. I helped cook dinner with Carol and Ella. We ate dinner with the kids and stayed for a well.

I checked yhe time and it was already part eight that's when I decided it's time for us to go home. Blake already looked exhausted from the outing.

When we arrived at home Blake was already fast asleep. I took Grayson out of his car sit and quickly made my way upstairs and put him in his crib. I then went and carried Blake bridal style to out room and layed her in bed 

I went back to Grayson's room and changed him out of his clothes and diaper. I bathed him and put him in his pajamas and fed him. Once he was fed and burped he fell asleep.

Entering our room i found Blake fluttering her eyes open. "Why don't you take a shower and Chand out of this clothes" I suggested, she nod her head and went into the bathroom. I took my sweatpants and walked into one of our guest bedroom, took a quick shower and brushed my teeth . I got into bed waiting for Blake to finish showering.

She came out wearing one of my hoodies and got into bed snuggling to my side.

"Are you ready to talk about what happened at the mall that got you distracted?" I asked her.

She nod her head "Well when we went to the restaurant I saw my brother. At first I wasn't sure whether it was him. I was confused since the guy was seating with another guy and they seemed to have been a couple. He wasn't face directly towards me so I could only see his back. When I was leaving the restaurant that's when him and I made eye contact. He was just as shocked as I was. He called out my name but I panicked and walked fast to Elva's car."

I rubbed her back soothingly. I myself was at loss for words. This is the first time in months since she last saw anyone of her family members. Of course I am mad to see her like this.

" You don't have to worry about him my love, I'm here for you and if he ever tries to disrespect you even the slightest I will deal with him. I'm not allowing anyone of them to hurt you they way they did to you before. " I meant every word I spoke.

Even though she had no one to fight for her in the past this time I will. I don't want to see her hurt at all, I want her to be happy. That family of hers will never ever get the chance to try and brand her down as long as I'm here nothing like that would ever happen.

"What I don't understand is what he is doing here of all places. I thought I was far away from them but some how he found me."

" I don't know either my love but make no mistake they won't ever get the chance to hurt you. I will make there life a living hell if they try anything with you. "I promised her.

I kissed her forehead running her back. Her breath slowed down and she fell asleep. Few minutes later I too fell asleep.


I woke up to the sun hitting my face. Blake still sound asleep clinging to my side. I smiled softly, I kissed her lips and slowly detached myself from her and going to the bathroom. Today is Sunday, a lazy day to be exact.

After doing my morning routine I went to Graysons room and found him fast asleep. I checked his diaper and it was still dry. I kissed his forehead and made my way downstairs.

I started making breakfast starting with French toast then bacon and pancakes. I sat the breakfast in a tray picking it up and waking upstairs. Not even after two steps I heard the door bell ringing , I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. I wander who would be at my door at this time of the morning. It wasn't really that early in the morning. It was about twenty minutes past eleven.

I sat the tray down on the kitchen table and made my way to the door.

As I opened my door, rage over to on me as I saw the person standing before.

"chuckles nervously" so that's the chapter I guess. I might change it a little. It won't affect  the way  the story is going. It's just kinda iffy on me I guess.



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