C H A P T E R 12

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Leonardo Rozet's POV

Blake finished her shift and came to our table in a new set of clothes. It consisted of a long skirt that reached up to her ankle and a black nitted jersey. I told Daniel I would see him later and Blake said goodbye to him. We then made our way to the car, I buckled Grayson in and she got into the car.

"So did you like spending time with Grayson today?" Blake asked me.

I smiled "I enjoyed my time with him, it's something I'll probably never get used to."

She hummed in response. I'm really happy that she is talking to me. We arrived at the hotel and she unbuckled Grayson and put him in her baby carrier. She grabbed the rest of her things, before she left I kissed Grayson goodbye and gave her a side hug and said goodbye.

I honestly did not want to  leave them alone. I got into my car and made my way to my company where Daniel was waiting for me.

I don't like the fact that she has to work three jobs. I would take care of them, everything they needed I would provide. I could buy them a better house then that apartment. Blake wouldn't need to work at all. Seeing as how independent she is, that wouldn't be possible.
Maybe one day I'll be able to convince her to maybe live with me. Maybe I'm too over my head and maybe stepping over her boundaries.

I just want my family to be near me all the time. I want to know that they are safe. I might sound insane for wanting Blake to be part of my family, or even us being together.

I arrived at my building and got out of the car. Once I walked into the entrance, as usual the receptionist kept eye balling me. She was doing this weird thing with her lips that freaked me out. I don't know whether that was her attempt to look seductive if so then that face definitely did not look attractive. Her lipstick looked smudged and her cleveage was out in the open, so disgusting. I can't believe she is my receptionist.

I had a blank face on and made my way to her. She twirled her hair in her finger. I mentally rolled my eyes. "Hi sir what would you like me to do for you? " my goodness her voice was even worse. I couldn't explain it, it was just horrible and annoying.

I gave her an annoyed look "I will need you to pack your things and leave my building this instint, my company isn't for unprofessional people like you!"I yelled at her.

She quickly took her things and left my building. I wouldn't want people like her working for me. I'm not saying that sleeping with multiple people is a problem it's the fact that she dressed inappropriately and practically tried seducing me, I mean if she tried it with me then surely she tried it with alot more people. . What if Blake and Grayson came to my workplace and the first thing they saw was her. That's not the image I want them to have of my company. It's a work place for goodness sake, dressing appropriate is a must.

I got into the elevator and went up to my office where Daniel is waiting for me. I caught him laughing. "What are you laughing at? " I asked him

"Dude did you see how quickly she ran out of the building, you must have scared her really bad." he said after sobering from his laughes.
"I had to fire her there's no way I would allow someone like her to work here and imagine Blake and my son coming here what would she think of that" I said

"Since when did her opinion matter to you."

"Since now, I just don't want to mess things up with her." he nodded his head.

We got work I had a had a few meetings. I looked at the time on my wrist watch and I saw that Blake was about to be done from work
I grabbed my keys and blazer "where are you going?" Daniel questioned.

"I'm going to fetch Blake and Grayson duh." I said stating the obvious. He nodded his head and he too started walking out of the office. I said goodbye to him and got into my car and sped of to the hotel.

Blake Turner's POV

When I got into the hotel I immediately started working. I was busy cleaning one of the rooms and I heard the door being opened. I looked up and I saw a beautiful women who looked like a model. She had dark brown hair with green eyes and alongside her was a man who too looked like a model he had blonde hair with brown eyes. I assumed they were a couple. I smiled at them to which they returned.

"Hi ma'am and sir I'll be out of your way soon I just need to  sweep the floor and do your bed." I said to them

"Oh no take your time we are in no rush." the women said to me.

I smiled and continued sweeping the floor. Grayson started making baby noises and I looked down at him and smiled. I looked at the couple and they smiled at me.

"I know we strangers and all but I can I hold him. I love babies and you don't have to worry I'll be in the room the whole time." she said hopefully.

I normally wouldn't allow someone to hold my child unless I knew them but for some reason I felt like she could be trusted so I smiled and nod my head. She squealed I laughed at her exctiment. I took Grayson out of the carrier and gave him to her.

She grinned "You have such a beautiful baby and my name is Ella by the way and this is my boyfriend Chris." she said introducing herself and her boyfriend.

"Thank you and my name is Blake and that little one in your arms is Grayson." I said

I watched as they stiffened a little before they both grinned looking down at Grayson.

"Well it's really nice to meet you." the boyfriend finally spoke.

I nod my head and continued cleaning the room. I told the couple I was done cleaning there room and they looked sad when I had to take Grayson. "Would you like to have my number so we can meet up and get to know each other and I think Grayson would be happy with that." her eyes lit up and nodded her head and I gave her my number. I grabbed my things and said goodbye to the couple.

I walked out of the building. I heard a car hooting and I looked up and  found Leonardo smiling at us . I smiled at him. He got out of the car and walked towards us. He gave me a side hug and I gave Grayson to him. All he did was shower Grayson with so much kisses. We got into the car and he drove us to my apartment.

We  walked into my apartment and I dropped my bags. I turned to look at Leonardo "You want  to help me with bathing Grayson? " he nodded his head. We made our way to my bathroom. I put warm water into the tub. I undressed Grayson and put him in the tub. Leonardo helped me wash him, he seemed to enjoy doing this. We talked and laughed at Grayson's cute faces that he kept making. We got Grayson dried up and I showed Leonardo how to put a diaper on Grayson. He looked so confused.

After done dressing Grayson I gave him to his father while I took a quick shower. I dried and got dressed into a sweat pants and a long shirt. When I went into the lounge I found Grayson sleeping on Leonardos chest and while Leonardo admired him. I took my phone out and took a picture of the two, they looked so cute. Leonardo looked up and smiled.

I went to the kitchen and started on dinner. While cooking I couldn't help but feel so complete with my life. Like Leonardo, Grayson and I being a family. It felt so natural and right but there's no way Leonardo would ever want me, I'll only be the mother of his first child and it would probably stay that way. He will probably find someone and they will get married and have children of their own. The thought itself made my throat hurt and made my chest ache.

I finished making dinner and dished out food for me and Leonardo. I had the two plates in my hand and made my way to the lounge. I sat the plates down. Leonardo thanked me and we ate.

It came time for him to leave he kissed Grayson goodbye before hugging me .

Grayson woke up a few hours later and I  fed him and after feeding him he fell asleep and I went to bed

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