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Lanon Rozet's POV {surprise ☺️}

I can't believe this. Why wasn't I informed of her release.

"We need to get an restraining order on that women" Ellen said.

I completely agree with her. Theirs no way I'm allowing that crazy delusion women near my family.

"Why did she have to be released now, who knows how Leo's dealing with it right now" worry took over me.

I remember the time when I found Rowina cutting Leo open. The memory is still fresh.


Lars had been missing his baby brother and so have I. We couldn't see nor speak to him after the divorce between Rowina and I. Every time I called and asked her  if we could see Leo, she would deny us saying he didn't want to see us. Of course that time I was dumb thinking what she said was true. I thought he trully hated me for divorcing his mother. Both Lars and I were hurt, it took a tall on the both of us. Lars became more silent and I too felt sad.

Leo had this spark in him that would light up a room. He knew how to cheer us up. When I divorced Rowina I thought it was the best thing for everyone. I couldn't fake loving her when I knew our marriage wasn't working. I never cheated on her, it never even crossed my mind. I stayed in the relationship only because of my sons.

In my heart I believed Leo truly wanted to see us. My gut kept on telling me that something just wasn't right.

So one night I decided that Lars and I give him a surprise visit. If only I had known I was the one who would be in for a surprise.

When I arrived at the door with Lars. We had screaming from inside the house. I opened the door and what I saw was every father's worst nightmare. Leo was on the floor bleeding badly. His face bruised. Rowina was on top of him cutting him with a sharp knife. Blood was spilling out of his chest yet she seemed to not have been bothered by the sight .

Lars had this horrified look in his eyes. Acting on instinct I ran up to her and pulled her of him. I told Lars to grab my phone and call 911. He did as told while I held Rowina back.

"Let me go! Let me kill him so we can be a happy family like we used to!" she said. Rage over took me, the audacity of this women to even think like that of our son.

How can someone be so evil to someone they had birthed. I knocked her out with a bottle. I ran to Leo and put pressure on his wound to stop him from bleeding even more.

Tears kept on blurring my vision. Gulit over took me. His body looked so fragile and lifeless. All skin and bones barely looked alive. How could I have let him  down.

For what felt like eternity the paremadics arrived and they took Leo while the police question me. Rowina woke up and she was arrested.

It took Leo five weeks to gain consciousness. Even then he wasn't like his old bubbly self


It took alot of TLC to get him back to normal. It was hard, I had to take time from work just to focus on him. I never regret doing it. In the beginning he wouldn't talk or eat. Barely said a word and at night things were worse. He had nightmares of the same day. It got so bad that he would harm himself in his sleep. Guilt over took me, knowing if I didn't believe her at the time he wouldn't have been in that situation.

Lars and I would sleep with him in his bed just so he could calm down. After a year things got better. He wasn't talkative but he smiled here and there. He started talking to Lars and I. I decided it was best if both Lars and him were home schooled. Leo had to go to therapy every week.

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