C H A P T E R 35

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Blake's Turner's POV

"Come on Leo we are going to be late" I whined, waiting for Leo at the door with Grayson on my hip. I wanted to surprise Leo with this amazing view at a hill. I had this whole thing set out. I recently found that spot when I was taking a walk with my brother.

After our conversation Ryan asked if I'd join him for a walk two days later. We slowly but surely getting to know each other better and our relationship as brother and sister is progressing. I can see he is truly determined but I have not put my walls down around  him. I don't want to be naive and trust him the first chance I get and be potentially stabbed in the back. As time goes on maybe I will, but only time will tell.

Ryan I stumbled on this hill when we were taking our morning walks together. We had this routine where in the morning him and I would take walks sometimes Leo, Luca and Grayson would join us.

During our walk I asked Ryan, how he and Luca became an item. As he spoke about how he and Luca got together you could  tell how inlove he was with Luca. When he spoke his smile never faltered. I was glad my brother found someone to love and cherish.

They looked cute together as a couple. Their personality contrasted one another. He explained to me how he felt trapped back at our old house. He felt as though he couldn't truly express himself and be with the one he loved openly.

I understand stood because our hometown wasn't very open  and anything that did not scream ordinary was shunned by the people in town. They weren't really that open minded when it came to gay couples or any other couple that didn't seem fit.

His relationship with Grayson is actually great. You can't tell him and Luca enjoy being uncles
They love spoiling him. I had also gotten to know Luca better. He was a joy to be around, he is definitely a sweet soul.

"LEONARDO DANTE ROZET!! IF YOU NOT BY THIS DOOR IN LESS THE 10 SECONDS YOU ARE SLEEPING ON THE COUCH. YOU HERE ME!! " I yelled out, my voice echoed through out the house. Grayson giggled playing with a strand of my hair. Not a second later I heard footsteps rushing down the stairs.

" I'm here! I'm here! "  his damp hair was in a messy man bun, his shirt ruffled slightly at the bottom. His one sock was up and the other was down. His shoe laces were barely tied.

I face palmed "Gray do you see how silly your father looks" I asked my 11 month old son.

He turned his head to his father and shook his head dissapointedly. Leo frownd"What were you doing all this time?" asked him.

"I-I was just taking a shower" he  stuttered out. I sighed fixing his shirt. "I can't believe I have to teach a grown man how to dress. Now fix your socks and tie your shoelaces."i orders. He playfully saluted" Yes mam "

I giggled" Well come on! The sun is about to set. "He took his keys and locked the door whole I buckled Grayson in his car seat and then got in the car putting my seat belt on. Leo joined us and drove to the hill.

I sat a blanket down on the grass and set a basket full of food and beverages.

" How long do you think it will be before Grayson starts walking ?" asked Leo as Grayson used  his hands to stable himself while standing up.

"Probably in a month or two. All babies develop differently and plus his teeth are starting to grow." I responded putting a pacifier in Graysons mouth.

"We should really start planning his birthday since it's in a month" Leo informed me.

I can't believe my baby is turning one. I'm so excited to plan his birthday and take so many pictures of him. It has been a long journey. From the time I fell pregnant to now.

"We should make an album of all Graysons pictures. Just imagine how annoyed he will look when I show his future partner all his baby pictures." I gushed.

He chucked "We should make an album for him and our future kids." I blushed a little.

He pulled me closer to him, with my head laying on his shoulder. "Just imagine cute little feets" I squealed.

"Yeah and little hands. What features would you want our kids to have?" Leo asked.

"I guess I'd like them to have your eyes. They would look so cute with your eyes." I smile to thinking to myself of how our future kids would look like.

"what about you?" I asked look up at him , genuinely interested in what he had to say.

He smiled down at me "I'd want them to have your eyes. Your eyes are so pretty. I hope they have your cute button nose and your curly hair." I giggled when he kissed my nose.

"You silly, we both have curly hair so either theirs could be super curly like Grayson or straight. The possibility are endless. Either way I would not  care of whose features they inherited, I would still love them unconditionally."

"You right the possibilities are endless and I would love them either way."

"If we were to have kids in total how many boys or girls would you want?" I aked him.

"I want at least four boys  and two or three girls."he responded.

" Why more boys then girls? "I questioned

" Imagine we have four girls, do you know how stressful it would be? Instead of me focusing on work, I'd be trying to find out whose trying to screw my daughters. There no way in hell that's gonna happen. I'm not afraid to hide a few bodies!" he exclaimed.

" You can't not want to protect them for ever, sooner or later they are going to have to move out and start a family of there own. "I tried to reason with him.

He chuckled" They not moving out until they turn fifty-five. "

I shook my head" No they will not "

" With your stubbornness I can tell I'll have gray hair before I turn forty! "he threw his hands in the air. I laughed" I'm not even close to being stubborn, you just dont want to admit you'll be that over protective dad. It's cute though. "i pointed out.

We sat in silence as we watched the sun go down. Grayson fell asleep a little while ago.

The moon and the stars appeared in the sky. I love the moon. It's so majestic and just want to make you smile. Even though our lives are hectic with Leo's crazy mom on the loose and my brother being back in my life. No matter what obstacles life throws at us, I know Leo and I will be their for each other.

" I can't wait to see what the future holds for us as a couple and as a family" he whispered into my ears.

I smiled "Me too" I whispered back.

And that's a wrap!! Heyoooo!!Finally updated Yay!!

That's the chapter guys. I know it's short and should have been extended but I didn't get the opportunity to do it.

School life is crazy right now. So many assignments and study work it's just ridiculous. I'm always busy.

Mental health is critical but stable. I'm just having a really hard time right now.

So next week their might not be any updates. I'm super sorry but girl needs a brake to figure out her life right now

I hope yall are doing great and if not I'm sending virtual hugs.

Hope you enjoyed the sweet chapter.



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