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Blake Turner's POV

It's been five months since I last saw my parents or Leonardo and things were starting to look up for me, after weeks of saving I was able to buy a small apartment for myself. It was within my price range. I work three jobs now, I still work at the restaurant but now I clean hotel rooms and from time to time I clean people's homes just to get extra cash. My stomach has grown big and in four months I'll be meeting my baby.

All the extra money I get I save it up so I'm able to buy things for my baby. One of the ladies house I cleaned, gave some baby clothes she had that doesn't fit her child anymore. I was grateful for what she gave me.

Working three jobs isn't easy especially when you pregnant, sometimes I feel like giving up but then my baby always gives me energy to keep pushing. Today's my day off so I decided to visit miss Ofila.

I opened her door and made my way to the lounge since that's where she mostly is.

"Hi miss Ofila how are you? " I asked happily. I gave her a hug.

"I'm doing wonderful dear how are you and the baby doing? " she asked

"we are doing great." I said smiling while rubbing my swollen stomach.

We sat down and had some tea together.

"So dear when will I be meeting the father? " she asked

My smile slowly drops I looked down at my hands. Miss Ofila never knew about my past.

"Well you won't be meeting him at all since he basically denied being the father and he humilatied me in front of his friends and employees, he insulted me and he never wants to see me again." I said sadly.

"What kind of human being does that and what about your family dear have you been in contact with them?"she asked

" Well they never cared for me, I was more of a maid to them than a daughter. They hardly ever talked to me, they had so much love for my siblings then me. I never had a relationship with my parents or my siblings. I don't know what I did wrong to be treated like that I did everything I could to get noticed and it never worked. All I ever wanted was to be loved by them but instead I got the total opposite. My parents kicked me out of the house once they found out I was pregnant, they never wanted to see me again and they basically disowned me. "I said sadly.

She sighed she gave me a big warm hug. With in this short span of time I would definitely say miss Ofila is more of a mother to me than my own.

" Oh dear that's so sad, you shouldn't have gone through all those things on your own, from now on I'll always be there for you." she smiled at me to which I returned.

After chatting more I headed back home to my apartment. I took a warm bath to relax my tense muscles.  After done bathing I dried myself.

I put on my undergarments and I took some coconut oil and rubbed it on my stomach so I would get stretch marks. My stomach was getting really big.

I loved every second of it. I felt the baby kicking and I smiled loving the feeling. It's sad I have no one to share this moment with.

I still don't know my baby's gender yet  since I wanted to find out only when I give birth. I'm really excited yet nerves to become a mother especially a young single mother.

After rubbing my stomach with coconut oil I put on an over sized shirt and went to bed.


It's Monday morning and I need to get ready for work. I would first go to the restaurant then go to the hotel to clean the rooms. I only clean people's homes on Tuesday and Thursday.

I got out of bed and took a warm shower. I got dressed into my work uniform. Since my stomach grew I had to get a bigger shirt that covered my stomach. It's not to hide my pregnancy or anything it's just for my personal comfort

I get into the restaurant and began to clean up tables making sure everything is neat and tidy before the costumers walk in. My boss Charlie always want me to take things slow but I  never listen. Charlie is a really nice person, she's very considered of others and she too is excited for the baby's birth.

She even allowed me to take my baby with me to work. That made me happy because then I would be able to save money and not pay a babysitter.

"Hi I'm Blake and what would you like to........"


I've just finished my shift and now I'm heading to the hotel for my second job. I was wearing a long skirt that reached up till my ankles and a knitted jursey. The weather was changing and I don't want to get a cold at all. 
So the manager told me which rooms he would like me to clean and I made my way there.

Today there wasn't many rooms to clean I think I had to only clean like about five more rooms and that would be it. Pushing my self I got started.

I was busy cleaning my last room when I heard the door being opened. I looked up and saw a lovely couple the women looked like she was in her early  40s and the man looked like he was in his early 50s.

"Hi there Ma'am and sir I will be out of your way as soon as I'm done making the bed." I said softly with a smile

"Oh no dear it's alright, don't mind me asking but how far along are you." the lady asked me.

"Well I'm five months now." I said politely while putting the pillows on the bed.

"Wow so his many hours do you work for" the same women asked me

"Well it depends on how many room the manager wants me to clean" I said fluffing the pillows.

"Isnt it dangerous working while being pregnant" the man asked.

"well as long as I don't stesss to much I will be good. I do have to work hard to get extra cash so I can support for both my baby and I" I said turning towards them

"Well I'm done now and I hope you guys enjoy the rest of your stay here." I said with a warm smile getting my things and leaving.

It looked like it was pretty late so I decided it's best to be safe and take a cab. I arrived home and got inside, I put my bags down and headed straight for the shower. I knew if I were to sit down on the couch I wouldn't be able to get up. I let out a sigh as soon as the warm water hit my skin.

I got out of the shower and dried myself and got dressed. I ordered pizza since I was really lazy to cook. After eating my food I went to bed.

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