C H A P T E R 34

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Ryan Turner's POV

"Since then I haven't seen or spoken to them. In college I avoid Hailey as much as I can. She tried to talk to me but I simply ignored her. Luca and I made a decision to move into this town since college is not that far from it. I know telling you about all of these things won't change any thing, but I just wanted you to know that I'm deeply sorry. I'm sorry that I wasn't strong enough to stand up for you. I'm sorry for the way I acted towards you . I'm sorry that I didn't look for you the moment you left that house. I regret not ever saying anything to you . Not coming to you and telling you of what I planned. I'm just sorry for being a shitty brother.

I know you probably hate me and you have every right to. I'm your brother for goodness sake and I failed you. Everyday I think about the things I've done wrong . You don't have to talk to me after this, I don't expect you to forgive me but I just want you to know that I'm deeply sorry for all my wrong doings . "tears ran down my eyes. Even then I couldn't look her in the eyes, afraid of the hateful look I would receive.

I probably decerved it. I just needed to get it all off my chest." This is to much for me right now ". She said softly looking down at her lap.

"It's hard for me to think that all this time you never hated me. All this time I thought I was alone but in actual fact you were looking out for me. You were really planning on taking me into your home?" she asked.

I nod my head "Yes we did. When we moved into this town we bought an apartment big enough for all of us. We head your room ready with a crib and baby supply. It wasn't much but I was really excited for you to see it . I never gave up hope on finding you. Luca and I would find cute clothes for the baby, we were so excited for a new beginning.  "I smiled when I remembered that the day we went to the mall and bought baby clothes. Luca had the most fun. He would get all excited about getting the baby cute outfits that matched his.

She sighed" It's going to take time for me to actually believe this. I can not say for sure I fully forgive you but I'm willing to give you a chance. Only one chance for you to prove to me. "she decided.

I jumped up in joy and excitement. I wanted to run up an hug her but I was still hesitant.

Blake stood up" Peaches ! You can stop listening in on our conversation now! "

Leonardo came out from behind the wall with a baby in his arms and my boyfriend following close behind. The baby in his arms was an exact replica of him besides the nose. He had wild curly hair and beautiful gray eyes and a batman designed pecifer in his mouth. His skin was this beautiful tanned golden colour. His so cute I resisted the urge to coo at him

Leonardo 's cheeks turned a light shade of pink. He smiled sheepishly at Blake. Luca looked cute with a deep blush and a sheepish smile " We weren't listening to your conversation. Grayson woke up and uhh I wanted to give him to you "he tried to defend himself, Luca nods his head quickly going along with Leonardo's lie.

" Yeah yeah sure you weren't "she said sarcastically brushing  him off." Come here baby boy, come to mommy. "Grayson made graby hands towards Blake.

She happily took him in her arms and left the room. Once again the room was left with awkward silence.

" I don't trust you yet. I'm not sure if your intentions with Blake are sincere but just know if you were to ever hurt her in anyway, I will deal with you myself." he spoke sternly. His eyes watching my every movement.

"I know none of you guys trust me and it's understandable but I will prove to you guys that my intentions are true." I was truly determined.


I can not believe that child managed to manipulate my own son! I don't know what she did to manipulate him and turning him gay. I refuse to believe it. I will make her life a living hell. She got herself pregnant by a billionaire. She broke my family apart and now Ryan does not want anything to do with us. It's all her fault. Couldn't she be obedient and stay in the shadow like I had taught her from a young age. It's like the older she gets the more rebellious she is.

She shouldn't have gotten pregnant, it should have been Hayley not her. Who knows what lies she's been feeding to Ryan. When I find her I'm going to make sure I hurt her in the worst way possible. It's time I get rid of her like I should have done the day she was born.

She's indeed a disgrace of a child. She ruined my perfect image. She ruined everything.

Hayley and I took some time and decided to go to our beach house. I needed to relax and think. This whole thing is making me  tense and I feel like I'm aging way to quick. Hayley and I walked into the restaurant and got ourselves a table for two.

"I'm just so exhausted from this whole thing. Look at what my family has become and all because of that thing. Can you imagine how we will be the laughing stock in town. I have a younger daughter who got pregnant and now my son is gay. My whole image is ruined! " I exclaimed drinking some of my wine as we waited for our waiter.

"Mom we have to figure out how to separate Blake from Leonardo and make him mine. If we take her out of the picture that way I can become his lover and he could marry me and we would get all his money." Hayley suggested.

"but where are they, how will we get to them?" I asked. Before she could respond a women came towards us.

I raised an eyebrow look up at her "Sorry to interrupt, I couldn't help but listen to your conversation maybe we both can help each other." she spoke giving me a smirk.

I smirked back "And who might you be?" I questioned taking another sip from my wine.

"Well I am Rowina Rozet, Leonardo's mother" that got my interest.

"Wait isn't Ellen Rozet Leonardo's mother?" asked Hayley. The lady gave Hayley a bitter smile "Stepmother actually, his father and I divorced before she came into the picture."

"When you said maybe we could help each other, what exactly do you mean by that? "I'm really curious as to why she's helping us or what she has planned.

"Well let's just say I have my own reasons those I'm not willing to share at the moment. If you want your daughter out of the picture I'm willing to help." she smiled but even I could drunkenly see that her smile was dangerous and had an ill intent. Nothing was sweet about that smile. Her whole aura screamed danger yet I couldn't be bothered by it. My plan is to take out Blake and u need all the help I can get.

With out giving it a thought I agreed with her.
I'm willing to do what ever it takes to make her life a living hell.

Hello my lovely readers!! 😭 Hope yall are good and alive.

Anyways now you know what Blake's mother really thinks of her. I wander what they are planning.

Anyways hope you enjoyed the chapter. Excuse my errors.



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