Chapter 16

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Recovery girl's temporary nurse's office

"the bones in your right arm were shattered. i'm afraid it'll never be the same it was before."

"i need to remove the bone fragments or they'll get stuck in your joints. i'll heal you afterward."

recovery girl looks at all might and shakes her head in disappointment. "you lit a fire under this child and pushed him too hard. look at what he's done to make you proud. i don't like it one bit!"

"you're going too far. you hear? you and the boy. don't praise him for what he's done today."



"scared the crap out of me.." all might breathes out.

"are you okay?" uraraka is the first one to run up to midoriya who's sitting in the hospital bed with his arms wrapped.

she looks at skinny might and raises an eyebrow "nice to meet you sir." she greets.

all might shakily smiles and waves at her "uh, yeah" he says still shocked.

"he's in no state for visitors." recovery girl scolds. midoriya cracks his eyes open and sees iida, uraraka, mineta and tsu standing in the room.

"hey you guys. shouldn't you be watching the matches?" he asks in a raspy voice.

"the stage was far too damaged. they're taking a quick break to repair it now." iida says.

"that match was the scariest thing i've ever watched. no pro is gonna want someone who hurts himself every time." mineta says while sweating.

tsu hits him with her tongue "probably not the best to rub salt on his wounds right now." she says.

"you're much to noisy! i know you're worried but I've gotta focus of surgery!" recovery girl says while shooing the four out the room.

"SURGERY?!" they all yell worried. recovery girl pushes them out the door and slams it shut, turning back to midoriya and all might.

"i'm sorry"

"i couldn't do what you asked me." midoriya says with his hair covering his eyes.

'you must introduce yourself to the world and proudly say i am here!'

"if i'd shut up, not said anything, i might've been able to beat him." midoriya starts.

"you got todoroki to realize something very important about himself." all might says.

"i guess so. during his first match, he looked so sad. i was trying to figure out why when i should've been focused. i made a bigger mistake though."

"whenever we were fighting, i was just so... so frustrated. i couldn't see the bigger picture, or what it took to win. i'm sorry." midoriya apologized.

"it's true the match didn't go the way you wanted it to, and realizing where you went wrong won't change that. but listen, meddling where you don't technically have to is the essence to being a hero." all might lectures.

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