Chapter 117 (heroes rising)

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"zoom." you whisper with your fingers pressed to your temple. your little group consisting of you, izuku, shoji, jioru, ojiro and the two kids were on the highest level of your base. it was a multi-elevated hill with castle ruins overseeing at the top. it's the peninsula, making the perfect base to make sure the villains have one way in, and one way out. that being the way they came in.

you were high on nerves. you had to stop yourself from jumping all over the place that's how jittery you were inside. you were hyping yourself up that you can do this and that you're not alone. you have to protect these kids. you even made the decision to sacrifice yourself if needed, which was hard for everyone to agree to.

you were gonna fight this guy head on.

he was an exact replica of all for one. said villain was on literal steroids, and had no drawbacks to his insane power. luckily, the knockoff all for one: nine, had a good drawback that was gonna help you and everyone else out. it made for a simple but most effective plan: ware him out until he can't do no more.

you had izuku, and you had katsuki, who demanded he also fight in the front lines with you. it didn't matter whether or not you declined, he was gonna join anyway. good thing is he's one of the top students. he'll be major help so you weren't gonna reject the offer anyway.

"it's them." you call out, putting your group on high alert. from the corner of your eye, you saw mahoro defensively put her arm in front of katsuma. you knew she was staring at you for a majority of the time, and you weren't dumb enough to not come up with the reason as to why she 'hated' heroes so much.

more so, you.

"they're advancing along the planned route." you say before taking your fingers away and getting your vision back to normal. "so we're leaving it in your hands, momo, aoyama."

said girl lied on the grass below you. she had binoculars, and a large object covered by a camouflaged print sheet. physical wise, momo wasn't up there. but quirk wise? momo took the cake. she took the whole pantry. her quirk was so unique and flat out amazing, she's the key to a lot of plans due to her ability to make almost anything. it makes things a lot smoother for everyone, so any plan thought about can practically be done thanks to her.

"the villains are twenty meters away from the point. aoyama, shoot your navel laser at maximum power." she orders the sparkly boy behind her.

aoyama activates his quirk and counts himself down. once reaching one, he steps out from the shadows and releases his pent up power. the brightest, sparkliest blue laser shoots towards nine and his accomplices. it was huge, and probably would've done a lot of damage if not for the giant yellow protective disk nine made immediately. his reflexes were insane, and with the addition of a shield, it made it extremely difficult to deal damage. it was practically impossible to land a hit and that's why he's such a tough villain.

despite his stomach staring to ache, aoyama continued to push through it. you watched intensely as wind picked up from where the villains were previously standing. aoyama's laser was clearly being deflected, which made your top eyelids drop in preparation.

it kept on coming, and aoyama did what he was supposed to, and that was split the three up. after gaining some intel about the other two villains and who went against who, you split the class up into groups who have various jobs. you put them in a spot that's a good distance from each other, so none of anyones damage would affect the other. the environment chosen also helped with certain people's quirks, so you wanted the villains to flee to that area so they can be taken down by your classmates.

"they're separated!" momo says before pulling off the cover and revealing two canons. the cannonballs were shot, the high pitched sound it created putting the villains on high alert. they were quick to jump from where the ball crashed and landed. it sent the ground into bits and pieces. the tiniest smirk graced your lips when seeing the red haired female fall into the ground and the mutated wolf guy jump into the forest.

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