Chapter 114

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said girl cries in mina's arms, a look of pity coming from the pink-skinned girl. jirou, tsu, and hagakure surround the duo with looks of sadness and again, pity for the brunette.

"if it makes you feel better, i thought i had a crush on her too... you poor girl.." mina holds her crying friend close.

"i knew it.." jirou whispers under her breath, nibbling on her fingertips. "i was just hoping it wasn't true."

"i'm here! i'm here.." momo slams open the door, hands on knees and panting for air. "sorry i'm late- uraraka?"

a look of confusion and concern can be seen on momo's face when she sees uraraka sobbing in mina's arms. she looks... disappointed in herself, angry at herself for letting whatever happened happen.

"oh uraraka!" momo goes rushing to her friend's side. "what's the matter?!"

tissues and candy wrappings surround the bed that momo takes a seat on. she takes her hair in her hands, throwing it behind her back before putting them on uraraka's shoulder to comfort her.

"i-" uraraka chokes. "i hate- myself s-so much.."

momo looks to the other girls who show their sympathy. her eyes are pleading, begging to know what's wrong. she doesn't catch sight of a certain h/c hair girl she calls her bestfriend, making her face turn back to one of confusion.

"she's not here for a reason, ribbit." tsu predicts once seeing the look in momo's eye.

"why am i still in the dark about this?" momo asks in desperation. "what's wrong?"

"uraraka has feelings for y/n..." jirou finally lets momo in.

at the confession, uraraka bursts into tears again. "oh...i'm so sorry to hear that uraraka.. it must be rough..." momo trails off.

"considering the fact that she's madly in love with midoriya."


"sorry! sorry.."

"no it's-" uraraka sniffs. "it's fine. it's my fault for letting this happen. everyone knows her and deku are in a serious relationship.."

"it's not your fault uraraka.." mina hugs her tighter. "you can't control who you fall for.. it just sucks it had to be y/n.."

"i see why you like her though, if that makes you feel better."

"hagakure stop talking." jirou rapidly shakes her head.

"what are you going to do about your feelings?" a chocolate bar comes out of momo's arm.

"what can i do? there's no way she'll like me back, so i'm helpless.." uraraka wipes her tears on her already wet hoodie sleeve.

"it can just be a simple crush! it's probably not that serious." momo tries to cheer her up.

"yeah, i agree." jirou pitches in. "how long have you liked her?"

"i'm.. not s-sure." uraraka stutters. "i wanna say when we first moved into the dorms..but i don't really know. all i remember is my gaze constantly lingering on her and feeling my heart beat fast anytime we were together."

the girls share solemn looks. it's not like there's anyway they can help uraraka as she's right. there's no way you'd ever like her back. they've seen the look you give izuku. the look he gives you back. the way you two are inseparable. the things you do for each other- sacrificing your lives included.

you really are in love with each other.

so on one hand, they hate seeing their friend heartbroken over a crush.

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