Chapter 129

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"you know what needs to be done."


"and you know of the tasks you were handed, yes?"


"how is it coming along?"

"just fine. no one suspects a thing."

"good good."

that chilling voice made their spine chill. they felt like a puppet. completely under their control.

if they could cut the strings they could.

but then that'd ruin the play.

and the play is their life.

"look at yourself. in a mirror perhaps."

reluctantly, they turned to a mirror. it reflected back to them, despite their wishes. they didn't wanna see themselves. they were too ashamed.

"you are the creator of this. you are at fault for what's to come. you pay for your own sins. you are disgusting."

tears pooled into their eyes the longer they stared at themselves. the way the u.a uniform fit them was like it was meant to be made them sick to their stomach. their room was made to perfection with deep meaning behind it.

they loved decorating their room.

"yes, i understand." they finally spoke into the phone.

"good. now keep flying under the radar. the date is almost to come."

their eyes shifted to a calendar nearby. the previous days were x offed but there was one day that was circled in red marker, obviously with deep importance.

"yes sir."

the day.


the wedding.


your eyes slowly started to creep open. the sight above you was blurry, but you were able to make out a bright light shining down on you.

beep beep beep beep beep

that made you jolt up.

you hated that sound.

"woah- she's awake." you heard someone announce followed by numerous approaching footsteps. you weren't even worried about all that. you were focused on figuring out where the hell you were and what happened.

you were in u.a's infirmary.

'oh yeah..' you caught your breath finally. 'i remember now.' you looked down at your still gloved hands.

"rai, how are you feeling?" you turned your attention to half of your teachers that were standing near your bedside. you looked behind them to see the other half along with all might tending to izuku who was already awake with a bandage on his head.

"confused.." you dragged out before touching your head. "with a headache."

"more painkillers." aizawa ordered present mic. he went off to fulfill his request while aizawa looked back at you. "do you remember what happened?"

you remembered very clearly. "yeah. but no one's hurt right?"

to that, the teachers shook their heads. "while aizawa, all might, and midnight ran off to you two, we stood back and guided the rest of your class back to the classroom. no one but you and midoriya faced casualties." ectoplasm explained.

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