Chapter 22

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"WAKE UP KID! WE HAVE WORK TO DO! NO HERO COSTUME, JUST WORKOUT CLOTHES!" you hear someone yell. you groan and start to sit up, shielding your eyes from the light that laminates your room.

you rub your eyes and check the time on your phone, '9:00 am' it reads. you stand up and start stretching before doing your morning routine and slipping on your workout clothes.


"okay instead of working on slowing down your quirk, you'll be using another thing to run" mirko says as you stretch.

"and that is?" you ask as you crack your neck. mirko smiles and claps "your legs! obviously." she says enthusiastically.

you raise an eyebrow "my legs?" mirko nods and puts her hand on her hips "i noticed during the sports festival, you sometimes ran faster than usual and during your last battle, you kicked your opponent super far. you got some strong legs and we're gonna work on them." mirko says.

you think back at the sports festival. there was one time during the obstacle course you ran faster than usual but your match with bakugo? you barely remember that actually.

you rub your neck "yeah that was probably a fluke." you admit. mirko sweat drops but shakes it off.

"you're gonna be doing an intense workout, hope you're ready." she says while smirking evilly.

"COME ON! HURRY UP!" mirko yells as you start running back to her. you cross the finish line and start panting while placing your hands on your knees.

"not bad but i know you can do better. go again!" she yells. you take a deep breath and take off running again.

--- <- mini time skip

you cross the finish line and drop to the floor, panting for breath. "come on kid, you can do better than that!" mirko yells.

you don't say anything as you feel sweat run down your head. "stand up. you'll be doing leg exercises then you'll run again." mirko says.


"15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. okay you can stop now." as soon as those words leave her mouth, you drop to the floor.

"i can't feel my legs." you say while rubbing them. you hear a laugh and you look up to see mirko smiling at you.

"that's only the start!"

you grunt and stand back up, going back to your squats. "1, 2,"


"and time!" mirko says while clicking the stopwatch. "not bad kid. go again!" she says.

you cry out in pain as you get into a running position. "and go!" she yells.

you take off running and just like you did at the sports festival, your legs pick up the pace. you touch the finish line and run back.

"and time! damn kid that was record time!" mirko says proudly. you pant as you put your hands on your hips.

"i felt my legs pick up the pace" you say. "that's good! now we just need you to keep it consistent." mirko says.

"right" you say while crouching down. "ready, go!" mirko yells as she clicks the stopwatch. you take off running as the wind hits your face.


"LEAN FORWARD MORE!" mirko yells. you sigh and lunge forward more. you're so close to giving up.

'come on y/n. pull through' you think while switching legs. you eventually make it back to mirko and you collapse.

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