Chapter 124

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nurses office

heterochromia eyes shot open. shoto was quick to sit up and take in his surroundings. he was sitting on a hospital bed under white sheets, much like the rest of the room. barely any color was to be seen.

"looks like you're awake. here, have a calorie bar." recovery girl offered. "ojiro already ate his and went back."

shoto was nibbling on his bar, reminiscing on past events. what more of a way to reminisce than to hear the voice of the person that took a big part in those memories. "todoroki! the match was a draw, but i feel like i lost the fight! the heat was crazy! let's do it again!" it was tetsutetsu.

'a draw..' shoto stated blankly at tetsutetsu. he started walking away and shortly after, you walked in, making shoto stare at you blankly now. "y/n.."

"hey. how are you feeling?" you leaned on the doorframe with your arms crossed.

"i'm sorry..i feel like i let you down." shoto said in almost a whisper. "i thought i had everything under control, with my flames i mean. turns out i didn't."

"bro..i only asked how you were feeling." a small smile grew on your face. "but why feel the need to impress me? you did great out there, all of you did. i did tell you baby steps, didn't i?"

but for now, you should take baby steps.

"you've grown a lot, shoto. i couldn't be prouder of you." you wink at him.

"you think so? even though i technically lost?"

"lost? if anyone lost, it's us. we didn't get to see that badass new move you were about to pull." you say before leaning off the door frame. "but get better sho. i'll see ya."

you didn't give him a chance to say anything else, and you think that's for the better. the fourth match was about to start, and boy, were you as intrigued as ever. you didn't get to think about it any further though. you bumped into someone like the idiot you are.

"oh my fault-"

"move out the way dumbass."

rolling your eyes, you didn't even have to look at those stupid red eyes to know it was katsuki you bumped into. thankfully you're on good terms now, and a random argument with stupid confessions won't commence.

did you even apologize to him?

"katsuki.. why are you here? your match is about to start."

"yeah well they fucked up the battlefield so now we have to wait a couple minutes." katsuki complained. "is the idiot awake?"

"who- shoto?" you quickly looked back at the door you just came from then back at katsuki. "yeah. everyone is."

"okay." katsuki said simply before turning around to walk out the building. you narrowed your eyes at his retreating back before a smirk graced your lips.

"correct me if mistaken, but i'd think you came here to check up on them, mr. katsuki." you ran to catch up with said boy.

"no. i had nothing else to do and the building just happened to be here." the stubborn boy adverted his eyes to the side.

"you coulda been stretching, planning.. anything really." you list off on your fingers.

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