Chapter 25

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midoriya sits up as the birds chirp outside. he rubs his eyes as he takes in his surroundings. he looks around and notices he's in a hospital, sitting on a hospital bed.

"how'd you sleep?" someone asks. midoriya looks to see todoroki who's just sitting on his bed with his arms wrapped in bandages.

"not well. i didn't sleep at all." midoriya admits. he looks and sees iida sitting on his own bed as well, both wide awake.

"yeah, me neither." todoroki says. midoriya hums and looks around again. once he doesn't find what he's looking for, he frowns.

"rai is in a different room, if that's who you're looking for." iida says while staring at his hand. midoriya looks at him "she is? why" he asks. you should be in the same room as them.

"apparently she needed stitches so they moved her to a different room." iida explains. midoriya's eyes widen "stitches?" he says in worried tone. todoroki and iida just nod in response.

"we went to her room earlier but she was sleeping." todoroki says. midoriya gets out of bed and puts on his slippers "we're going to her room now." he demands.

iida and todoroki look at each other before getting up to follow midoriya out the door. "she's right next to us." iida says. midoriya says nothing as the short walk is silent.

the three come face to face with your hospital door. midoriya grabs the door knob and turns it, stepping in your room. todoroki and iida follow as the door shuts behind them.

midoriya squints his eyes as stays frozen in his place "is that rai?" he asks in utter confusion. "yeah, it is. weird right? she was like that when we visited earlier." iida says as todoroki silently nods.

"her quirk... is active even when she's sleeping?" midoriya asks while walking towards your sleeping form.

todoroki and iida stay silent as all three of them stand in front of your hospital bed. you lay there, sleeping peacefully as sparks of lightning surround you. some big, some small.

"whenever we tried to wake up her or touch her, we got shocked. it's almost like it's protecting her." todoroki says.

"interesting" midoriya whispers as he brings his hand up. he slowly brings it to your arm but as soon as he gets too close, he gets shocked. he hissed as he retracts his hand, rubbing it.

'during the sports festival, i was able to touch her with her quirk active. how come i can't now?' midoriya thinks while looking at your sleeping form.

suddenly, the door opens and the three boys flinch while looking back. they see a nurse walk in with a clipboard "hello boys. i assume you're here to check on your friend?" the female asks with a soft smile.

they just nod as the nurse makes her way to a standing computer. "she's doing fine. her stitching went smoothly. she should be waking up soon." the nurse says while typing something into her computer.

"nurse, do you know why rai's quirk is active while she's sleeping?" iida asks. the nurse stays silent for moment before humming.

"i would be lying if i said i knew." the nurse says while sighing.

"can we stay here until she wakes up?" midoriya asks. the nurse smiles sadly at the green haired boy, "unfortunately not. i need to run a couple of tests on ms. rai when she wake up. i'll be more than happy to let you boys know when she's ready for visitors." the nurse explains.

"it's okay. we understand." todoroki says as the three stand up. they take one last glance at your sleeping form before walking out the room.

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