Chapter 75

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me: ...heyyyy

my readers:....😐😑😐

lmao i kind of disappeared i'm sorry. again, i find it stupid to explain why i didn't post literally the whole weekend but instead of explaining, let's move on :)

i was very busy. i apologize.

anyways enjoy :)


"....wait, what?" izuku asks as he grips his book bag tightly. "you two. go wait outside." nighteye ignores izuku and points at mirio and bubble girl. you turn to them, making eye contact one more time before they're out the door.

'whats this guys quirk?' you think as you and izuku stand next to each other and before nighteye. he seems so sure with the fact that none of you will be able to take that stamp. he holds it with such confidence and that makes you wary. he was all might's sidekick so he must have some impressive quirk, right?

that doesn't mean you're not gonna try though.

"i'll take no offensive measures during this time. and you're welcome to attack me in any manner you desire. don't concern yourself with what happens to the room. just come and get it."

while izuku takes his position, you slightly back away from him. this catches the attention of nighteye but he chooses not to comment on it. 'if this is a matter of speed, i won't have a problem. but i have no idea..what's his quirk that's making him so leaned back about this?'

green lightning surrounds izuku and before you know it, said boy is taking off. nighteye casually comments his first move, a head on attack. izuku misses his first attempt and again, nighteye correctly predicts his next move, a jump from the back. 'all of his predictions on izuku's moves...they're all correct..' you think as you watch him easily dodge another attack.

bringing your left fingers to your temple, you start to scan nighteye. skimming through basic information, you finally come across the vile piece you were looking for.

quirk: foresight

'foresight? as in..predicting the future?' you think as you deactivate your quirk. narrowing your eyes at the man who dodges another one of izuku's attacks, you notice him already staring at you. 'if he's predicting izuku's moves, does that mean he can't predict mine? can he only do one at a time?'

as a sheet of paper flies by you, you crouch in preparation. you make eye contact with izuku who lands on a wall and you hope he got your mental sign to stop whatever he was doing. thankfully, he got your message and straightened himself out as you advert your gaze back to nighteye.

"another attack from the front. too predictable." nighteye says while moving out the way. you land on the wall behind him but instead of copying izuku's attempt, you jump to the wall in an attempt to pounce on him from above. "going for a change and jumping to the roof." he comments before moving out the way again.

'he's predicting me..can he predict izuku?' you think while jumping at the man again. swiftly moving out the way, that's when izuku jumps in and tries to grab the stamp. nighteye hesitates but manages to dodge the both of you. landing with a smirk, your idea is already set and stone.

this time, you activate your quirk. right as izuku misses again, you quickly jump to nighteye. you see his eyes widen before just managing to move out the way. you do the same move which makes his back away from you again.

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