Chapter 107

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jirou, don't be afraid to show the world the real you.

be who you wanna be.

'every night..' jioru looks up at the starry night. 'i thank my lucky stars.'

"i..wanna be a hero too."

"you wanna be a hero? then a hero you'll be." you tell jirou while holding her hands.

'rai..always so inspiring with just her words.' she smiles small at the notebook in front of her.

so many heroes in my life who gave me the power to smile everyday.

now it's my turn to make others smile.

'i thank them for joining u.a..'

with a clear, fresh mind, jioru gets to writing.

'for choosing the path of a hero.'

to follow my dream.

'for learning to love myself and what i do.'

gave up giving up..

'for meeting new people.'

"you wanna pour your heart into this? i'll leave you to it." you stand up with a small smile. "there's some notes in there of mine. feel free to use them for inspiration."

'rai..thank you.' jirou thinks with a grateful smile.

i am hero too.

"rai wait."

you stop just before the open door and turn your head halfway to see jirou smiling softly at you, eyes sparkling with excitement and joy.

my heart is set.

'i'm ready to show everyone i have what it takes.'

"thank you."


"you're rushing kaminari.." you repeat for the hundredth time. "you know the festival is tomorrow, right? we can't have you making simple mistakes on stage."

"i'm trying my hardest!" kaminari throws the guitar up. "i'm sorry i'm not a quick and perfect learner like you and mr. perfect over there!" as you casually catch his yellow guitar, you look to where he's pointing and see bakugo cleaning up his form on his drumming.

"just keep up!" bakugo yells before going back to counting in his head.

you sigh and turn back to kaminari who looks genuinely upset. "hey, it's alright. everyone learns at their own pace." you softly place the guitar back in his hands. "people also learn differently. i know you try to be like someone per say, me. someone who can learn something on the dot and execute it decently."

you grab a stool and sit on it before grabbing your guitar. "i tend to notice you looking at other people before trying new things on your own." you point out as you slowly strum your strings.

"so follow me, okay?" you smile small at your electric twin.

he stares at you with his lips in a fish position before nodding repeatedly. first, you do a simple riff that any beginner can do. kaminari watches your fingers before looking down at his own and copying your actions perfectly.

"see? maybe going solo isn't something you're good at." you say before doing a more complicated riff, one you know kaminari has trouble learning. but as expected, he copies your movements and the riff is done perfectly, to his shock.

𝔹𝕠𝕝𝕥 [𝚒𝚣𝚞𝚔𝚞 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛]Where stories live. Discover now