Chapter 92

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"walk behind me you fucker!"

you stop and turn to bakugo who's on the verge of exploding.

it's too early for his bullshit.

'i send my condolences to you have to deal with this guy every morning.' you think while shaking your head. "then i'm assuming you know the way to my house?" you cross your arms.

you raise an eyebrow when bakugo stays silent. turning back around, you lead the way again. "do you even think about what you're gonna say before you say it?"

"i'm not making conversation with you speedy."

"i'm trying to help you out. you make yourself look stupid." you shrug. "but that's fine. when you look like an idiot, don't blow anything up."

bakugo just huffs, watching as you punch in the code to your front door. it beeps and you walk in the house first, keeping it open for him and in silence, you two walk the big house.

"is your shitty dad home?"

"he's never home. not in the mornings at least.."

with more silence, you and bakugo step into your dad's workshop. "what time do you have your classes or whatever?" you ask, walking to the main table. "in an hour so hurry up."

"you know it's right there, right?" you turn around and point to the side. bakugo turns his head and sure enough, his infamous costume is hanging on display and his support items like his gauntlets are on the table under it. "what work did you even have looks the same." you ask as you both walk towards his costume.

"none of your business."

rolling your eyes, you watch bakugo scan his costume, picking it up in certain places and feeling the fabric. while he does that, you look at the table that has pieces of paper littering it, each with different heroes.

'this is what i saw last time..' you think back to when you first went through this. it didn't change all that much, except for sir nighteye's name being crossed out. it makes you frown until you move on.

"what the fuck are you looking at?" you hear a low voice.

"heroes that my dad makes costumes and support gadgets for. there's a lot here that you should know, like our classmates." you say while pushing the paper to bakugo. he takes it and together, you scan the names.


"though...never heard of a hero named calamity. do you?" you ask, looking at bakugo who chews on his gum while looking at the names. his eyes stop on that name and he stops chewing. each growing second, his eyebrows furrow.

"speedy..." the sound of bakugo calling you in a way different tone than he usually would catches you by surprise. "what?"

bakugo slowly turns his head to you and it creeps you out even more when his next words obviously didn't have the intention of insulting you.

"are you fucking stupid?"

he meant it literally.

the look in his eyes made a shiver go up your spine. furrowing your eyebrows now, you look at bakugo who just stares.

"am i missing something?" you tilt your head. "speedy." bakugo says again before going back to the paper. catching the name again, bakugo harshly pushes the paper back to you. "do you not remember shit from when we were kidnapped? fucking look."

he points at the same name and when it hit you, it fucking hit you.

shigaraki then switches the channel and your eyes widen when you see your dad on the screen, trying to walk past all of the flashing lights and clicking cameras.

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