Chapter 55

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just come over 🙄 and bring your half as well.

when the text bubbles don't appear, you shut your phone off and place it on the kitchen counter. you sigh as you tighten your ponytail and straighten your white strands.

midoriya did end up carrying you home yesterday. you felt bad that you couldn't suck it up and use your lightning but midoriya being midoriya, reassured you it was fine.

you look outside your open door and see a moving truck with most of your belongings and furniture driving away. today, you'll be moving into the dorms with all of your classmates.

you sip on your tea as you wait for someone to show up. you've been wanting to talk to him for a while and today is the perfect day for that.

if he shows up.

you check the time on your phone 12:00 pm. you put your phone back down and look at your u.a uniform that you have on. it feels like forever since you've had this on.

you hear footsteps, making you look up. you make eye contact with vermilion eyes you declared that you would and always hate.

"bakugo, you actually came." you say in slight surprise, quickly washing your cup before turning back to the ash blond.

"what you thought i wasn't?"


"well i'm fucking here now. so talk." bakugo says as he rolls his eyes. "sit down would ya?" you say, gesturing to the stools that sit nicely in front of the kitchen island.

bakugo complies as you stay standing, leaning back on the counter and crossing your arms. "i heard about everything that night." you start.

"what's there to hear about? thought you already knew about all might."

"not that. i mean when those rocks or whatever knocked me out."

bakugo stays silent. he's smart enough, he should know where you're going with this.

"the doctor told me it was you who dug me out." you say, a sly smirk coming onto your face.

bakugo just narrows his eyes at you. "what's the point of this shit?"

"you saved my life. i wanted to thank you."

"yeah whatever."

"i thought you said you would let me die?"

"fuck you speedy." bakugo says as he stands up and turns around. "aw you called me speedy instead of eye freak." you say as you chase after bakugo.

he starts speed walking now, making you stifle a laugh. you grab his arm, making him look at you. "okay i'm sorry for teasing you. but thank you. you did save my life." you say as you let go of his arm.

"tch. maybe watch your surroundings next time and it wouldn't have happened."

"that wouldn't have happened if i didn't have to swoop in and take out twice who was creeping up behind you. so maybe you watch your surroundings."

"i hate you. i should've let you fucking die."

"you don't mean that. you made me admit my feelings for izuku so obviously you don't hate me that much."

"tch. that was a stupid setup icy hot made me do. i could care less about you and deku."

"i don't completely hate you and deku."

bakugo starts walking out your house as you quote him. "stop running away when you're wrong!" you yell out as you follow him again.

bakugo steps out your house and you lean on the doorway. "listen. i said i would always hate you but that's obviously changed. you can sit there and hate me all you want but you know deep down you don't." you say.

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