Chapter 94

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"what's this?" shigaraki asks while a phone slides towards him. upbeat music plays through the speakers, making the league turn their noses up.

"too much happiness! turn it off!" twice yells. "it makes me wanna dance! louder!"

"what am i being shown? this is useless. just some pink girl doing a stupid dance." shigaraki rolls his eyes behind the hand on his face.

"i think they're trying to show you the background tomura." kurogiri pours another drink.

"yes. the background sir." the voice says, double tapping the screen. it zooms up on someone that peeks shigaraki's interest.

"ah. what a delightful surprise. y/n rai." shigaraki smirks.

the video replays and all the members of the league watch closely at your slightly blurry figure. your left eye starts to glow blue and green before scanning whatever's on the paper, making them raise their eyebrows in amusement.

"it seems like rai has a secret quirk.. interesting." mr. compress hums.

"so that's a secret they've been hiding.." shigaraki says, clicking out the video. must fulfill my legacy. since katsumi refuses to become my successor, you'll take her place and complete the mission i've assigned you.

' want katsumi all to yourself..' shigaraki thinks before looking up at two figures standing in front of him.

'well i want y/n all for myself.' he smirks.

"very well done you two. i think you've proved your loyalty."

"welcome to the league of villains, dexima, hadeon."

"come in." you say from your closet. while you pull up your socks, the door opens and two sets of footsteps are heard.

"hey y/n."

"jirou, uraraka. what's up?" you say before turning back to face the mirror.

"w-we just wanted to check on you! we thought that since we were headed down, we'd come here since you're the only girl on this level." uraraka quickly explains.

"well thank you. i was just about to head down myself, i guess it'd make sense if we went together." you say with a small smile. the two girls nod and you walk out the closet first. uraraka's quick to follow you but when jirou turns around to also follow, light in the room makes something shine that makes her do a double take.

a guitar.


"i forgot to ask, but if you don't mind me asking, how was sir nighteye's funeral?" jirou starts a conversation. you and uraraka make eye contact, sadness and guilt pooling in both of your eyes. with a sigh, you break eye contact.

"it was alright. i don't think it's appropriate to say a funeral was good." you play with your lightning ring.

"yeah..but it's over now. though, i can't help but think i could've done more.." uraraka whispers.

"what? how come?" jirou asks.

"i don't's just, y/n, mirio and deku sacrificed so much. i just felt..i don't know, useless." uraraka shrugs.

"uraraka." you call out. "i don't know why you would think that. there's no such thing as being useless in a rescue mission." you tilt your head. "you were up with ryukyu, right? if you hadn't been there, we never would've been able to get to eri in the first place. just because you didn't fight 'the main fight' means you're useless. there wouldn't have been a 'main fight' if it weren't for you."

𝔹𝕠𝕝𝕥 [𝚒𝚣𝚞𝚔𝚞 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛]Where stories live. Discover now