Chapter 66

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"i'm proud of you kid! you get to finally kick ass!"

you let out a small laugh as you listen to mirko boast about your new license. "you're more excited about this than i am." you joke.

"you'll realize how cool it is to fight without getting in trouble you little troublemaker." mirko scolds, making your laughter cease.

"i have patrol. i'm proud of you kid. you'll be a great hero one day." mirko's voice rings out from your phone.

"thank you for the support. i'll make you proud." you say with a determined smile.

"that's the spirit! now bye kid!" mirko says before hanging up the phone, not giving you a chance to respond.

you playfully shake your head at the random phone call you got as soon as you stepped into the dorms. you didn't even know mirko had your number but there was her voice when you said hello.

you went to your room after everyone got back to the dorms because of the phone call. chances are, everyone is still downstairs celebrating. now that midoriya isn't here to stop you, you start spinning in your chair like a child.

'i have a provisional license... what is my life right now.' you think as you watch your room zoom through your sight in a blur.

before you get too dizzy, you slam your hands on your desk, halting your chair to a stop. you blow a raspberry, you look around your room and admire the hard you put in to make it look like this.

you went to stand up but as soon as you do, your ears start to ring and you feel yourself get dizzy. you groan, thinking this reaction was the cause of your stupid actions a few seconds ago.

but it wasn't.

your vision started to get blurry, making an unsettling feeling pool in your stomach. you tried to walk but it felt like you were drunk so you tripped over your own heel.

you groan again in pain as the ringing continues. you didn't even hear some things in your room get knocked over due to the feeling of going deaf.

you were starting to lose consciousness. you were more confused than scared but the moment lived short as you completely blacked out.

your eyes were blurry at first but the more you opened them, the clearer your vision got. blinking to get your full vision back, you look around to see... nothing.

'this place again?' you think as you move your eyes around. you've gotten used to the feeling of not being able to do anything but watch but that doesn't mean it's any less unsettling.

"you've done it."

your eyes widen at the sound of a voice. you look around again only to see no one. you furrow your eyebrows, hoping the voice will ring again.


'talk you.. voice...?' you hesitate. coming up with an insult for just a voice is harder than you'd think.

"now that you've fully unlocked your intelligence, it feels appropriate to give you some insight."

making sure to savor the moment the voice speaks, your mind immediately connects it.

'you... you're the voice i was hearing in my head!' you think as you narrow your eyes.

'show yourself' you demand, trying to be intimidating. when you're stuck in place with no mouth to speak, just your eyes narrowed, you look anything but intimidating.

"there's a better time for that."

'can i at least know your name? you're the voice in my head, no?'

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