Chapter 45

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'secrets will be revealed? what the hell..' you think as you stare at the ground. shigaraki's words keep replaying in your mind that you don't hear dabi calling out to you.

"damn brat i'm fucking talking to you." you eventually look up to see dabi glaring at you.

"what the hell do you want?" you say as you glare back at the villain. he just shrugs "we were told we can do whatever we want to you." dabi says.

"yeah! shiggy said since your friends life is in your hands, we can do whatever we want to you because you won't resist!" the villain named 'toga' says.

you narrow your eyes at the two before looking at bakugo who's still staring at you. this boy called you many names, makes fun of your eye and literally said he would leave you to die if it were you two.

"well the tables have definitely turned, haven't they bakugo?" you ask as you tilt your head at the ash blond. he stares at you then scoffs "shut your mouth."

you roll your eyes, looking away from him. funny how his life is in your hands and he's still bad mouthing you. guess old intentions never change no matter the circumstances.

"what do you two want?" you ask, glaring at the two villains.

"i don't care"

"i want your blood!"

you blink at the two different responses. you look at the ground for a moment until a lightbulb goes off above your head.

"i have a proposition." you say, looking back at the two villains. they both look at you, including bakugo.

"and you think we'll accept it?" dabi asks. "well you better. you don't know what i'm capable of." you warn.

he scoffs "you're chained up. i don't think you're capable of much." dabi teases. you tilt your head and smirk at the boy. "oh yeah? don't underestimate me, staple face." you taunt.

dabi growls as he starts stomping towards you. you stare at him blankly as he holds his hands up, flames dancing on his palms. "do you wanna keep having a smart mouth?" he asks in a threatening tone.

"all i asked was for you to hear me out. no need for all that." you say calmly.

"speak you brat." dabi says, backing up from you and crossing his arms.

"shigaraki said you can do anything to me, right? that means only me. any of you go anywhere near bakugo and i'll make sure your lives will end." you threaten.

bakugo's eyes widen as he stares at you in shock. are you really willing to go through anything the villains want as long as he stays untouched?

dabi and toga stay silent for a moment, thinking over your words. they then look at each other, shrugging and nodding they then turn back to you, nodding in agreement.

"yeah whatever. we won't go near the guy." dabi says. you look at bakugo who's staring at you like you're crazy before looking back at the two villains.

"good. now go tell the other villains. if i find out you didn't actually tell them, bad things will happen to you." you threaten.

"i'll go tell shiggy and the others! after that, i wanna play with y/n!" toga says as she skips to the door.

"don't expect us to agree to anything else you say." dabi warns. "don't have anything else to propose." you answer.

"what's with the white hairs. it looks stupid." dabi says as he leans back on the wall across you. "beats me." you answer, looking around the bar.

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