Chapter 39

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"is it all set?"

"yes. we've got a hold of them"

"good good. bring them in"

the door slides open and in walks two new people. one girl with blonde space buns and one guy with stapled skin.

"perfect... now we can continue with our plan."

three pictures slide on a table, each picture containing a student.

"these are your targets?"

"yes, all of them for different reasons, of course"

"and their names?"

"blond hair, raging temper, katsuki bakugo"

"green hair, heroic mindset, izuku midoriya"

"(h/c) hair, interesting quirk, y/n rai"

5:30 am

yawning, you walk with a tired uraraka by your side to where aizawa is standing. all of you look dead as you each try different ways to wake yourselves up.

"good morning, class. today, we will begin training camp that'll increase your strength. our goal is to increase your skill exponentially so that each of you earn a provisional license. this will allow you to face the dangers that grow in the dark. proceed carefully and look alive." aizawa explains.

half of you can't keep your eyes open as aizawa throws a ball at bakugo "try throwing that for me." aizawa asks.

bakugo catches the ball and walks up to where aizawa is, warming up his arm "it's like the first test. this'll be easy." bakugo says in his usual cocky tone. although, he can't hide the tiredness in his voice, either.

"that's right. when you first threw, your score was 705.2 meters. let's see if you improved." aizawa says.

bakugo smirks "no one blink." he warns before he throws the ball using his explosions like he did on the first day. you're too tired that you don't even try to shield yourself from the raging winds. the device beeps and aizawa holds up the device for us all to see.

"709.6 meters." aizawa says. you all take a double take as bakugo stares at the device in annoyance "that's it?" sero asks.

"you've had a single semester at u.a, due to various experiences, you've all improved. but those improvements have been limited to mental skill rather than physical. your quirks themselves haven't grown that much stronger. that's why we're focusing on that today."

aizawa then attempts to smile at you all "this'll be so hard you'll feel like your dying. let's hope you all survive." he half-jokes.


"we're focusing on our quirks?"

"class a is already training. you all need to catch up. last semester, class a was in the spotlight. next semester, it's class b. from now on, you're shooting for the top."

"i get you want everyone to improve their quirks, but we have twenty unique powers in our class. what kind of training will help all of us get stronger?"

"yeah can you be more specific?"

"when your muscles fiber are overused, they break and grow back tougher, thicker. quirks are the same way. they improve the harder you push them. stronger after every workout. in other words, there's only one thing to do,"

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