Chapter 134

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when waking up, you expected to see rays of sunlight shine through your curtains and slightly illuminate your room in a beautiful dim. birds would be chirping, leaves would be blowing, it would be the start to a nice day.

except it wasn't a nice day.

and you didn't see those rays of sunlight.

instead, all you saw was white.

'here we go again...' you rolled your eyes whilst simultaneously thinking your first thought of the day. first of many, actually, as you knew today would be filled with an abundance of them. just a pain it was so early in the morning and you were already dealing with an inconvenience. again, today would be filled with them, so why as soon as open your eyes problems wanna start.

you just couldn't catch a single break.

"no time for that." that voice said almost as if it was reading your thoughts. or maybe it was telling you no time for thinking about the horrible day you'll have today.

or maybe it was both.

'this voice...' your eyes travelled along the white void, hoping to find some source of the voice. after all, it was just you this time, which was weird in comparison to all the other times you've been here. 'it's not nana's.'

"you are in terrible danger, you know that right?"

your eyes widened in annoyance before returning back to normal. 'tell me something i don't already know.'

"sarcasm wastes your time. it's scarce at that."

so it could hear your thoughts. you were just joking before, but it didn't totally faze you. this wasn't the first time this shit has happened to you. 'who are you to me?'

"that's for you to decide."

a dumbfounded look wiped across your face. 'what's that supposed to mean? this isn't nana right?'

if you could've seen the person speaking to you, you would've assumed they shook their head. "im not nana, but someone i'd say.. more of importance to you."

that got you to thinking. you already knew it wasn't her. her voice was completely different. it did however, give you the same feeling. something of protection. something of trustworthiness.

one only a hero could really possess.

that's for you to decide.

you smirked lightly. 'if i didn't know any better, id say you were my very own mother.'

you'd only seen pictures- well, one picture, but you knew better that a voice like that screamed former hero. but even former hero wasn't the first thought you had. you also got the feeling of warmth; the feeling of comfort that doesn't come with just an ordinary person. nana didn't give you that feeling, and she sounded pretty similar to this voice.

no, this was the voice of a mother.

you never had a mother figure, so you just assumed the feeling was something of a fluke. but albeit you never had a mother figure, a feeling like that never goes away.

"we'll meet sometime in the future, y/n."

you kind of wanted to cry. after 16 years of being on this earth this was the first time you've heard the voice of her. she sounds exactly like you imagined she'd sound. a much bolder, more confident version of yourself.

and, she said your name instead of daughter.

"but save the future for the time it is to come. i know there's something you've been vying to know."

𝔹𝕠𝕝𝕥 [𝚒𝚣𝚞𝚔𝚞 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛]Where stories live. Discover now