Chapter 142

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your blazer moved slightly with the way of the wind. the cool air hit your skin and brushed your hair out your way as you walked with the boys to the funeral sight. the building was a couple steps away.

'it's okay. you can do this.' you constantly told yourself after every deep breath you took. in the distance you saw endeavor waiting for you at the door, and he watched you four closely. you played with the cuffs to your blazer before fixing your glasses, shoto grabbed the front parts to his blazer and slightly tugged on them to make sure they were even, izuku straightened his tie, and katsuki ran a hand through his hair whilst fixing his right ear piercing.

the sound of your heels against the concrete got louder and louder until finally, you four were standing in front of endeavor. "nice, coordinated, put together outfits. you not only represent endeavor's agency well, but you represent yourselves well. good job, young heroes." none of you said a word to his gruff voice, and that made endeavor clear his throat and turn around. "come on."

the inside of the building was small. there were bathrooms off to the side and a seating area with a small kitchen. your heels were muffled against the sound of the carpet. the room was lit in a yellow dim. you could feel your nerves growing with every step you took, your body slightly shivering like you were freezing despite the room being warm. goosebumps went on to cover your covered arms as you neared closer and closer to the glass double doors to outside where the funeral would take place.

"you can go on and pay your respects to satoshi. i doubt you'll need adult supervision." endeavor said as he opened the door for you four. you could feel the boys' aura's drop at the sight of outside. your dad's casket was visible, and with a couple more steps, so would his corpse. "but before that. rai, a word, please."

you hummed and looked back at the number one hero. the door was still open, courtesy of him standing in front of it. the boys looked at him then at you, searching for directions on what to do. you just gave them a nod. "i'll be right back."

shoto narrowed his eyes at his dad suspiciously as you walked back into the building. thoughts of what he could want with you swarmed all of their minds, but they oughta ask you later.

inside the room was you, endeavor, staff and other heroes apart of his agency. they could be seen outside and on the far other end of the room. but none were within earshot, and that seemed to be good enough for the hero. "i know this isn't easy for you, but as an adult and your mentor, i would like to let you know that i am here for you, rai."

you were in slight shock at his words. there didn't seem to be any lie or other intent behind his words, so you just rubbed your neck and looked away. "i.. don't really know what to say other than thanks. and i'm glad that you weren't in too fatal condition as you're discharged already."

he nodded at your words, his eyes not leaving you once. "i know it doesn't mean a lot coming from someone like me.." his words grew fainter, thoughts of his abusive behavior towards his family creeping up on him like a shadow. "but i'm trying to change for shoto. be someone he can like as a mentor and a dad, so i feel like i should also be someone like that to you, or deku or bakugo."

shoto and i are friends now. and friends tell each other things.

your eyebrows furrowed as you looked up at him. "so that's the only reason you're saying this? to get on shoto's good side?"

"don't take it that way. with shoto out the picture, we haven't had the best interactions, and i want to atone and change for that as i am the adult. and as your dad's partner, i feel like i owe you a sincere apology for being unable to protect him."

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